Chapter 129: Support

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     The demon then released his cold dark aura in an attempt to intimidate Kazumi as he perform a blood demon art. Rocks emerged out of the ground beside her crushing her in between. But as the rocks move apart, no traces of blood can be seen.

'Mist Breathing, first form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze.'

She appeared right in front of him releasing a straightforward thrust attack as mists envelop their surrounding. The demon managed to block it by using a rock that emerged out of the ground.

And so, he also summoned his twin double edged swords holding them charging towards Kazumi. As their blades met, sparks formed making the two struggle. Kazumi flipped back dodging his sword slash as she jump away dodging another. But along with his sword attacks are also the rocks coming out of the ground and the dusts that could easily enter her lungs and destroy it if she's careless to inhale it. But just when they thought it's only the rocks, several wind blades came towards her.

'Mist Breathing, second form: Eight Layered Mist.'

She released multiple slashes, one on top of the other in quick succession deflecting the wind blades as the demon appeared right behind her. She bent her knees as she turn her body to the back sending a slash towards his abdomen as he blocked it with his other sword. They jumped away from each other as the demon smirked.

"I see that you could easily adjust to my speed and attacks. Quite intriguing." He said as he sprint forward and swung down his sword at her.

"I know you can go faster than that." She replied standing right behind him that startled him as he swung his left blade towards her.

But as he do so, Kazumi instantly cut his arm making him drop it then giving him a slash on the back. She jumped away again as a wall of rocks surrounded him and he picked his arm back reconnecting it. He glared at her in pure anger as a wind tornado formed around her while she's in the center of it.

'Water Breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool.'

She jumped up high in the air fiercely twisting her upper and lower body creating a whirlpool that mixed in with the demon's tornado blocking it's sharp winds from reaching her and slicing her to pieces. Right after the two subsided down, Kazumi disappeared from her spot yet again as the demon look around.

'Mist Breathing, sixth form: Lunar Dispersing Mist.'

She's in mid-air right above him as she sent down a series of countless long-ranged slashes downwards towards him as he look up. He wasn't able to dodge this time as his body received all of it making his blood spurt out and to the ground. She landed gracefully on her feet as she turn back to face him.

'Mist Breathing, fifth form: Sea of Clouds and Haze.'

She charged straight towards him at a high speed unleashing a flurry of slashes in which the demon all countered and deflected with his swords. He then swung it right beside her head as she bent forward then rotating her sword making it slide pass his as she thrust his abdomen making her sword even pass through his back. He coughed out blood as she jump away dodging his rock spikes.

And just then, his aura became visible in everyone's eyes having such a dark red color surrounding him as he transformed. He became taller and bigger as his clothes even got ripped and his muscles forming bigger. But while he's in the middle of transforming, Kazumi dashed forward then leaping up above him.

'Wind Breathing, fourth form: Rising Dust Storm.'

She swung her blade downwards releasing slashes from several directions before landing on her feet again as the slashes reached the demon tearing his skin and muscles off. He regenerated fully transforming himself. He now has four heads with four eyes each, six huge muscled arms, and a huge long snake as his tail and standing high up at least fifteen feet tall from the ground. Even his sword increased in number and size making each of his arms hold one.

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