Chapter 50: Sister Duo

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     The two stood there as they look at each other eye to eye. Kazumi remained calm with a smile on her face despite the presence and pressure the demon in front of her have, it's just similar to that of Muzan's.

'He really managed to be on the same level as him.'
Kazumi thought.

"I expected you to still be in recovery after defeating Muzan, but as to what I'm seeing right now, you're doing just fine." The demon spoke out.

"If you're going to cause trouble here, it'll be better if we fight somewhere else." Kazumi replied.

"Are you really sure you wanted to fight me?" The demon raised his right hand.
"Even if there'll be dead people left behind?" He then closed his palms as a sudden noise was heard from the distance within the village.

Kazumi turned around to see where it came from. As she look back in front of her, the demon's already out of sight. Kazumi then went running back as she saw several people running and scattering around.

"GRRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The monster yelled as it stand tall from the ground.

Long and large roots came out of the ground as the monster looked around. It's so huge as it looked like a giant child made out of roots. The roots then grabbed some people as it grab a person after another feeding it to the giant monster. But as the people fall, Kazumi would catch them as she put them down carefully. She then jumped towards a group of people held by the roots slowly getting crushed as her sword fall from above. She then sliced it freeing the people.

"Just as what I've expected. Let's make the show much more fun shall we." The demon said as he watch from one of the rooftops.

He then lifted up both his hands directed at the giant monster as he close them slowly and tightly. The monster then grew larger as many more roots came out.

'Frost Breathing, second form: Snowfall.'

Kazumi leapt up as she swung her sword down cutting several roots freeing more people but it regenerated seconds after. She then dodged a root coming to her as she grab a child about to be stabbed by the roots.

'That bastard really know how to stop me from being serious in battle.'
Kazumi thought as she dodge the roots again by flipping back.

'Thunder Breathing, first form: Thunder Clap and Flash....'

Kazumi then dashed forward as a booming thunder is heard. As she cut the roots, she would also catch the people falling landing them safely.

'.... Eight Fold.'

No one could even see her as they get surprised landing on the ground safely. It's as if the wind itself put them down. Kazumi continued as she land on one root and jumped up.

'Wind Breathing, fourth form: Rising Dust Storm.'

She swung her blade downwards as a huge gust of sharp wind cut the giant in several directions. As the roots come towards her in mid-air, she twisted her own body cutting them and grabbing onto one as she flip herself up and stand on it. She then landed down to save people again.

'Water Breathing, third form: Flowing Dance.'

She swung her blade towards the roots in a way that mimics that of a wave as the water slash them and free the people again. She continued as she then slashed the others again. The people who managed to hide from the distance watched as a single person face a giant monster while saving people.

Just then, a familiar person came punching several roots and grabbing the people to land them on the ground safely.

"This is what I'm talking about! This is why I told you to take me with you!" Exclaimed a certain red head.

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