Chapter 86: Attention

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     It's already afternoon as Kazumi decided to leave for a mission already announced by her crow. As she walk out of the village, her wolf friend, Riku, showed up from the bushes.

(A/N: You guys know what hurts me in this? That the crow she's using now was formerly Haru's. Even Haru's jade bracelet that he once wore as a necklace is being worn by Kazumi the same way hidden under her clothes while still wearing hers tied to the right side of her waist covered by her haori.)

"Sorry if I have to let you wait. Let's go." She said as she rub its head.

The wolf just wagged its tail as he follow Kazumi. Their scene now changed again, they saw Kazumi walking around another village with Riku by her side. They could clearly see the frightened faces of the people looking at the large wolf with her. Some children even ran away crying. Shortly, she faced her right and they saw Kuro a bit further from them. Kazumi then approached him.

"Kuro-san! Good afternoon!" She greeted him.

"Good afternoon." He replied in a monotonous voice.

'He really doesn't talk that much.'

"How are you? It's been quite a while since we last talked."

Kuro just blinked his visble eye looking at her as he take a bite from the dango he's holding.

"You don't really talk a lot."

"That's because they said I'm bad at talking with people."

"Very well then! Whenever I see you, I'll talk to you!"

"But.... you're blind, how are you suppose to see me?"

Shinobu sighed shaking her head as she massage her temples while Mitsuri covered her mouth not to laugh. Kanae just sweatdropped while the twins look at Kuro dead in the eyes.

"You're right. Sheesh! I swear I somethimes forget that I'm blind myself. Then, whenever we meet! I'll talk to you!"

Her words seemed to made him feel at ease as he use his scarf to bring it up a little on his face hiding his smile. He felt happy which Kazumi managed to sense.

As their scene changed again, it showed Kazumi being at the Kibutsuji Estate again, it's night time this time. She just came back from her mission and as she enter the estate, a maid approached her.

"Excuse me but, my lady would like to see you." The maid said.

"Sorry but, I came here to see the lord not her. Excuse me."

Kazumi then started to walk away leaving the maid behind. By the time she reached his room and enter, Muzan instantly stopped what he's doing and smiled. He looked so happy like a child. This made the slayers sweatdrop seeing this side of him. They all felt ridiculous.

"Kibutsuji-sama, I think you should continue whatever you're doing. Besides, you're not supposed to call me like this so often."

Muzan went hard as rock hearing her words as he sulk in the corner with his back facing her.

"You didn't even call me 'nii-san' and you don't want me calling you. It's alright if you hate me. I just wanna spend time with my sister. Guess it's all my fault why you hate me." He muttered out that didn't went unheard by Kazumi.

She sighed, mentally facepalming herself.

'Seriously, who's the older sibling here? Me or you?'

"You can spend your time with your sis—"

"She's not my sister!"

Just then, they heard the servants announce Misayo's presence. The two faced each other as they immediately fixed theirselves. Muzan continued his paperwork as Kazumi sat in front the left side of his table. The doors opened showing Misayo and her maid who called Kazumi earlier. The two knelt down and bowed before straightening their backs again. Misayo went to the other side of Muzan's table smiling innocently.

"Nii-sama, I came here to bring you some snacks that I made. I heard you didn't finish your dinner so I came here to bring some snacks instead. I'm worried about your health."

Due to Kazumi's long sleeves, no one could see her pinching her own thigh to stop herself from laughing sensing how Muzan's mood instantly took a 180° turn hearing Misayo's name. And now getting much more pissed having to hear her voice and see her in his room.

'Don't laugh! Don't laugh! Don't laugh!'

Muzan just looked at her coldly as she flinched a little keeping her smile. He then looked at the box that the maid opened beside Misayo.

"I didn't even gave you permission to enter. I didn't finish my dinner because I'm already full. Have I already told you how good you are at cooking?"


"Then why keep on doing so?"

Kazumi kept her calm expression and gentle smile on the outside as she laugh on the inside. She pinched her thigh harder just not to let herself laugh. Now, Misayo looked down as she look at her maid who immediately closed the box.

"Then, can I perhaps know why is nii-sama talking with this slayer here?"

"None of your business. Now get out, I'm busy."

Misayo and her maid stood up as they bow and left the room. By the time Kazumi can't feel her presence anymore from the outside, she started laughing. She laughed and held her stomach.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just really have to laugh it out." She apologized as she continued laughing.

Muzan sighed as he then put his paperworks aside. Just then, he looked at Kazumi's hand handing him something. It's an onigiri. He blinked his eyes looking at it before taking it then looking at her who's holding one too.

"Eat. It's bad letting yourself starve."

He's about to reject it when his stomach growled that made him blush in embarrassment. He just opened it and ate the food.

"Now that's rude."

"But you gave it to me."

"She came here to give you snacks but you didn't accept it. Those were obviously much more delicious than that."

"Cause this one's from you. Now don't talk when you're eating or you'll choke."

'I swear, I feel a bit sorry for her.'

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now facing Toshiaki who's currently training with his sword swings. She sat there with her arms crossed and her feet hanging down the edge of the veranda.

'Misayo.... mother never mentioned me that name before. But her scent tells me that she's still related to us.'

Just then, Yoriichi sat down beside her and looked at her. He then poked her cheek which made her face him.

"You seem to be thinking about something."

"Hmm.... it's nothing important. How are you?"

"I came here to ask you something."

"Ask me? Can't Yuki-san answer your question?"

"Please train me."

Kazumi remained silent as Toshiaki looked shocked that he dropped his wooden sword. He then pouted and ran towards them sitting on the opposite side beside Kazumi.

"Kazumi-sama! I finished it!"

Kazumi's attention then went to him as she pat his head.

"Good job then! You're improving! And please don't call me so formally."

Yoriichi then looked at Toshiaki who just stuck his tongue out at him. Yoriichi then frowned a little as he tug on Kazumi's sleeves.

"So, can you—"

"Kazumi-sama! How 'bout we train together! That'll be fun!"

The slayers couldn't help but chuckle at the scene before them. Toshiaki then grabbed Kazumi's arm as he pull her closer and hop down the veranda. He pulled her away as they walk towards the garden leaving Yoriichi behind. Yoriichi narrowed his eyes at Toshiaki as he hop down the ground and walk towards them.

'What's with the two of them? Why does it feels like my attention's being fought over by them?'

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