Chapter 22: Keep

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     They were all a bit shocked hearing Kagaya's answer. But despite that, they relaxed theirselves and went back to normal. He dismissed them all as to go back to their own places for the night. Kagaya then walked out of the room holding the remaining picture frame, the painting, the letter, and the key. As he put the frame back, he gave the painting to one of the kakushis to find it a new picture frame.

'It might just be a coincidence. There are lots of people who can use that kind of seal.'
Kagaya thought as he sits in his room still holding the letter.

"Is there something wrong?" Amane asked as she enter seeing her bothered husband.

"Nothing much. Just thinking about this letter we found a while ago." Kagaya answered as he put the letter down his table.

"From where?" Amane asked again looking at it.

"From one of the picture frames. You know, the painting of the former Pillars of the Sengoku Era." Kagaya answered.

Amane then opened it as she read it. Shock can be clearly seen on her face as she kept on reading. Her eyes shifted to her husband as she finish reading it.

"This seal.... isn't it similar to Kazumi-sama's?" Amane pointed at the red dragon stamp.

"Yes but, there are lots of people who can use that type of seal. It might just be a coincidence." Kagaya replied.

"You're right." Amane agreed as she carefully fold it back.

"Oyakata-sama, we already placed the painting in a new frame and put it back in place." The kakushi Kagaya asked said from the other side of the doors.

"Yes, thank you." He replied as the kakushi left.

"Did they break something?" Amane asked as she sigh.

"Don't worry it was just an accident. Besides...." Kagaya answered as he put the key on the table showing it to her.
".... we found that from that broken frame. It seems like it has been hidden for hundreds of years inside that frame along with the painting."

"Would you like me and the others to perhaps, find a place this key would fit?"

"I'm quite curious myself so why not give it a try tomorrow. We'll ask some kakushis to look for it too."

Shortly after Kagaya put the key aside in one of the drawers, a crow came with a letter. Amane gently took the letter from the crow as she read it.

"It's from Tamayo-san saying that she might visit here together with her companion but she don't know exactly when." Amane informed him.

"Please send her a reply that she and her companion are welcome here at anytime." Kagaya replied which Amane just nodded.
     Just as Kyojuro reach his home, he went to check on his father and younger brother in their rooms. He found no one so he kept on searching until he found the lights still open from their basement. The room where they kept all of their ancestor's books and journals. As he enter, he saw the both of them reading.

"Are you finished writing it?" Shinjuro asked to Senjuro.

"Not yet, just a little a more." Senjuro answered as he kept on writing.

"What are you two doing?" Kyojuro asked as he close the doors.

"Ah! Aniue! We're just continuing our research for the so called Breath of the Sun God to help Tanjiro." Senjuro answered.

"Yeah, don't worry, these are just some finishing parts." Shinjuro said as he write too.

"I see, you two are really into it huh." Kyojuro said as he walk over them and look at the books.

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