Chapter 70: Haru

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     The man took a step back frightened at the sudden dark and cold aura that he felt, an aura much more scarier than that of the male demon he has sided with. Even the demon trembled at the sudden feeling as he look at the girl.

Akaihime then stood up carrying Sachi's remains as she absorb it leaving nothing of her behind.

(A/N: You know, same way how Douma absorbed Shinobu in the original story line.)

Akaihime's blood that was left on the floor then ignited as red flames emerged out of it engulfing the whole room. As the demon managed to free himself from the blankets, Akaihime then grabbed his wrist.

'Amazing! It's just like Nezuko's back then!'
Tanjiro mentally praised remembering her sister use it.

"Coward." She said as flames then started to grow on the demon's wrist burning him fast.

The demon tried to put if off but the fire just spread even more on his body. The man also dropped his katana as his body then got caught up in fire too. He fell on the ground screaming in pain as Akaihime picked up his sword.

She left without even saying a single word after she spoke with the demon as she kept her bloody eyes closed. She could hear all the commotion happening outside as she run and run until she got out of the village. As she did, she ended up in the forest. The blood covering her clothes and body made the demons nearby come closer to her as she could hear their growling.

She charged towards them holding the katana with both her small hands tightly, not daring to use her blood demon art again after what happened in the village.

'Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save you! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to do anything! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!'

She kept apologizing in her head over and over again as she run and fight against the demons. Turns out that the katana she's holding is a nichirin blade. A sword used by slayers as it manage to severely wound up the demons.

"Th-That guy's.... a slayer?" Kagaya muttered out in utter disbelief.

"He 'was' a slayer. That's how it works back then, betrayal is inevitable." Hanare replied.

They watched how she defended herself with the sword at hand and her eyes closed not even seeing them. She kept on running to wherever her feet would take her as the demons kept on coming after her. She can't slash their neck at all as she can't see it, she can't see where she should swing the blade she's holding.

"If I were in her place, I would've been dead." Tanjiro said watching how Akaihime moves.

The longer they watch, the more they notice how she gets familiar with her surrounding and her opponents. As she dodge a demon's attack, she managed to graze the side of his neck as it jump away.

'Head.... I must cut the head off.'

She then moved forward as she spin and dodge a claw attack as she lift her sword up slashing his chin before swinging it from left to right cutting its neck off. She continued fighting them despite her feet bleeding and her hands and arms starting to tremble in exhaustion. She has transformed herself back to being a human as soon as she got out of the village and so the reason why she wasn't regenerating at all. Reason? She doesn't wanna take advantage of the grave sin she just commited further more, eating her own best friend whom she looked up to as a sister.

After a short while, she defeated all five of the demons as she fell on her knees panting. She could still sense more coming closer.


As she attempted to stand up to fight, she just fell back down. Her kimono's torn now and her arms, legs, and feet full of bruises and scratches. She could only sense three more coming closer yet she sensed another one. A human.

As a demon's about to jump on her from behind, a man with a tall and masculine stature came. He has a light brown hair ending just above his waist tied in the end, black hakama pants and an orange kimono with blue colored diamond design and a white happi designed with cherry blossom flowers. His blade shining under the moonlight as he cut each and every demon's heads in one swift move, but instead of a katana, his weapon's a naginata.

Before Akaihime could even say a word, her body fell limp on the ground, he then carried her carefully and also picked up the sword. His yellow eyes looking at her small figure with pity.

After that, their surrounding changed again. They're now inside an unfamiliar room as they look at Akaihime lying on a futon with clean clothes on and bandages around her eyes and arms. She soon slowly sat up as the shoji doors opened. It was the same man they saw with the same clothes only without his weapon and his happi.

"Good morning, I'm glad you're awake now." He greeted her with a smile on his face.

Akaihime remained unresponsive as she just turned her head to the source of the voice.

"It's alright if you can't speak. Wait here a little, I'll bring your food." He then closed the doors as he left.

She remained sitting there in silence.

'Where am I? This place feels warm unlike mine.'

Her right hand then touched her bandaged eyes. She just sighed as she hang her head down facing the blanket. After a while of waiting, the same man came back with a tray of food. The tray contained a newly cooked soup and two cups of water. He entered the room sat down putting the tray in front of him.

"You did quite well out there. You managed to fend for yourself and last that long. It amazed me!" He praised her.

'A slayer.... I wonder if he's a Pillar.'

They all have a surprised expression on their faces as they look at her.

"She even knows about slayers. Just who is that kid?" Sakonji wondered.

"Unbelievable." Obanai sighed.

"I know it's quite surprising but, I decided to bring you here to my place after taking you last night. But don't worry, I'm not a bad person, I don't plan on doing anything bad to you if that's what you're thinking." He said scratching his nape.

Despite this, Akaihime remained unresponsive. As she try to speak, she just coughed as the man instantly hand her a cup of warm water. He helped her drink it slowly while gently rubbing her back.

'He doesn't feel like a threat at all.'

"I suppose you shouldn't talk that much for now. Here's a soup by the way, I cooked it. I'll feed you if you want me to."

Akaihime just shook her head in response as the man sighed.

"Oh! Before I forgot, my name's Momiji Haru! Just call me Haru, no need for formalities."

She just lightly nodded as she reach out for the soup slowly. As her fingers slightly bump the bowl, she slowly picked it up and held the spoon. Haru just watched her, worried that she might burn herself. But in his surprise, she managed to eat the first scoop but the only thing is, she forgot to blow it as he panicked.

"I-I'll just feed you! Drink some water! Hurry! Hurry!"

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