Chapter 13: Awaken The Marks

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Nezuko then charged towards him again as she attempted to land another kick on his stomach. Tatsu then caught her foot as he slammed her on the ground making a small crater. He gripped on her neck tightly that it started bleeding.

'Blood Demon Art: Exploding Blood!'

Nezuko's blood that made contact with Tatsu's hand then started glowing as it turned into flames that burned him. He lets go of her as Genya appeared behind him cutting his back which included his hair as he grab it.

"Blood Demon Art: Dragon's Lair!"

The ground started shaking as everyone stood there looking down. After that, magma bursted out as it hardened and turned into a rock that took the shape of a dragon. Not only one but five of them came out.

"Once you touch my pets, your body will be burnt. And once your blades made contact with them, it's either they'll break or melt." Tatsu informed them.

Tanjiro gulped down as he dodged the incoming dragon right in front of him. Mitsuri then leapt up as she dodged one and land on its back. When she back flipped on its back to dodge the other one, she instantly burnt her hands which made her land on the ground with her butt.

"Aaaaah! It hurts! It really burns!" Mitsuri exclaimed waving her left hand to her side.

"Told you." Tatsu said as he appear right beside her.

He then used his right hand to punch her on the stomach that made her hit a tree with her back. Mitsuri then jumped away as she dodged another punch from him breaking the tree that received it. Shortly, she sent him a flurry of slashes which he received as he used his arms to protect his face. His wounds regenerated quickly.

"I'll make sure to win in this fight." Tatsu said.

As he then turn around, Genya sent him an upper cut which was instantly followed by a punch on the gut. Tatsu puked out blood from the impact, by the time he saw who did this, his eyes widened. Genya now has the same orange pupils and red scelera as his, even his hands are wrapped up with scales as hard as his.

'How? Just a while ago he is human. What the hell happened?!'
Tatsu thought in anger as he kick Genya.

"YOU DAMN GARBAGE!" Genya yelled right on his face as he punch Tatsu's face.
"Dammit! Hurry up and attack! Don't just watch!" He added looking at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro instantly went back to his senses as he ran towards them. When one of the dragon's about to go after him, Nezuko kicked its head that made it hit the ground instead.

"Hinokami Kagura: Raging Sun!"

Tanjiro unleashed two horizontal slashes towards Tatsu's side as it managed to cut his arm and body in half from his torso. Tatsu gritted his teeth as he summoned another two dragons from underground that hit Genya and Tanjiro. The two could feel their stomach burning as smokes showed up indicating their clothes are getting burnt. Genya punched it that made its head break and fall down the ground. Nezuko then grabbed her brother before his clothes end up completely burnt.

"Now then question, since one of you are Pillars.... I suppose you know someone named Kazumi." Tatsu said smirking at them as he tilt his head back and look at Mitsuri.

"What do you want from her?!" Mitsuri asked gritting her teeth.

"Just wanna check if.... she's still alive." Tatsu answered with an evil smirk.

Veins popped up on Mitsuri's forehead and neck showing that she's angry. She dashed towards Tatsu at full speed kicking his back which was only followed by his laugh as he stand up from the ground.

"Angry? Why? Does it sound offensive to you?" Tatsu wiped the blood on the side of his mouth.

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TELL SHE'S DEAD! BASTARD!" Genya shouted as he attempted to punch him.

Tatsu jumped away which made Genya punch the ground making a small crater. Mitsuri's anger made her moves even faster and stronger as she leapt up high in the air dodging two dragons. Unbeknownst to her, her mark has appeared near her neck with the shape of two hearts opposite from each other with wings on both side of the tips of the heart. Because of this, her attack became stronger.

"Love Breathing, third form: Catlove Shower!"

She unleashed a series of ranged arc attacks much more faster and stronger than her previous ones destroying two of the dragons. As she land on the ground she leapt up again.

"Love Breathing, sixth form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love!"

She twirled her body upside-down as she creates a helical slash with her sword as her slash hit the remaining three dragons coming towards her.

'Even that Pillar's attacks has gotten stronger!'
Tatsu thought as he watch her destroy his dragons.

He leapt towards her in an attempt to slash her with his claws when mist covered their surrounding.

'He's back!'

Tatsu then felt his right arm he used to reach out for Mitsuri get cut. As the mist subsided down, Muichiro is seen holding his sword also with marks on his face in the shape of red mists. It was awakened by the time he came, after he heard Tatsu saying that he's checking whether Kazumi's alive or not, those words made him halt from attacking and showing himself. He only did so when he saw Mitsuri destroy the dragons that would just get in his way.

"Don't you even dare talk so boldly of Kazumi-sama." Muichiro said in a totally cold manner as he glare at Tatsu.

"Come on, don't be so angry. I'm just checking on her." Tatsu replied.

Right after that, Genya hit him with a tree as his hit sent him flying away and hitting several trees.

'Shit! Seems like I've used much of my energy! No... I could still take them all down!'
Tatsu thought as he smile from ear to ear looking at them.

"I'LL KILL YOU ALL AND MAKE THAT B*TCH SHOW HERSELF UP!!!" Tatsu shouted as his body grew.

He became taller and more masculine. His kimono got ripped while his hakama pants are still intact. His body then got covered in scales harder than before. Even his horns grew longer.

"Everyone dodge!" Tanjiro warned as they all jumped away from the fire that came out of Tatsu's mouth.

"Now come at me, slayers!" He exclaimed as he charged towards them.

Just as the fight happens, the same lady whom Tatsu's with is seen standing a bit far from them as she watch the fight. She kept her eyes on the Kamado siblings as she puff out some smoke again.

"I see.... except for those four, this one also managed to retain her human side and help humans." She said with a smile.
"I wonder how wonderful would it be once I showed myself up."

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