Chapter 71: Name

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The slayers are now watching as Akaihime walk while leaning on the wall sliding her hands on it as to get familiar with the new place. She's now wearing a plain red yukata fastened with a white belt as her black hair's still loose. Just as she silently walk, she heard a cat come to her and purr as it walk around Akaihime's feet in circles rubbing itself. She just crouched down as she gently pet it.

'Does he have more animals around here in his place?'

She then heard footsteps coming closer as she managed to recognize it. She turned her head up facing Haru who crouched down too as he put his hand on her head guiding her to face his level.

"Seems like you're having fun with the cat! I'm glad!"

She just nodded in response.

"I really wonder how your voice sounds like. It has been two days. But don't worry! Take your time to recover!" He patted her head before he stood up as she did too.
"Hmm.... you know, hair dye is bad, want me to wash it off. It could harm your scalp."

Akaihime was taken aback by what he just said. Haru seemed to notice it as she touched her hair.

"I know since it's starting to fade."

'I see, he got a point. It's been quite a while since I last dyed my hair.'

"Eh?! It reminds me of how I dyed mine back then!" Mitsuri said as she touch her own hair.

"You did?" Shinjuro asked.

"Yes I did, lots of men said it was weird and ugly so I dyed it with black back then. But now I'm fine, those kind of insults doesn't bother me at all now."

"But don't worry, we don't have to if you're not ready yet. We could always wash it off some other time." Haru reassured her.

'I wonder how is he so kind to a child he found out of nowhere. Maybe, if he finds out someday what I've done then, maybe I could ask him to kill me. No, that'll be enough reason for him to kill me.'

She then continued to walk still her hands on the wall as Haru guided her.

Now that she's back in her room, Haru left for a mission. She meditated by herself polishing her senses to be sharper than it has already been.

'Now that I lost my eyes, I shouldn't be a burden.'

"Ara~, will you look at that. She's doing great." Kanae praised.

"Nee-san, don't forget that she's a demon. She could just regenerate her eyes back." Shinobu sighed reminding her sister.

"But she didn't. And she's doing her best at meditation. It's quite amazing."

Shinobu just sighed as she kept on watching. As their surrounding changed again, it showed Akaihime walking around like normal now. Without the need of leaning on the walls and touching it.

'Hmm.... the meditation thankfully helped. I just have to practice more to use this if ever I get out of here.'

She then walked back into her room as she grabbed her stick and went outside. Since Haru's not yet home, she wandered around. She doesn't like it having Haru watch out for her all the time when she wander outside, she feels as if she's a burden to him. She's walking barefeet as she could feel the cold breeze of the wind and the warm sunlight, the soft grass and the hard dry soil beneath her feet. She could hear the tree leaves and insects making a sound. Just then, she sat on the ground as she meditate.

"I know how it feels like to be blind as I was also blind but it took me quite some time to be able to do what she's doing now. I don't know if it's because of her being a demon that she could adjust that fast and get used to her surrounding or she's just really good at it." Gyomei said.

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