Chapter 127: Wrong Opponent

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(👤: HAHAHAHA! Should this chapter be the end already?)

(🐷: *takes out butcher's knife*)

(👤: *gulps down* As I said, this chapter's not yet the end.)

     In just a blink of an eye, Kazumi dashed forward as they all watch the demon wolves get sliced down and turn back into water. She kept going as her speed's almost like the speed of lightning going from one position to another. Tsukika started to tremble as she make more but as she do so, she coughed out blood as her nose bled too. Some of the demon wolves started to turn back into water theirselves as Kazumi sent a slash to Tsukika's direction as she dodge it by jumping away.

'Frost Breathing, eighth form: Ice Skating Dance!'

She moved around Tsukika hopping and sliding moving on the thin ice as if she's dancing while sending multiple slashes towards Tsukika's direction. Tsukika would counter it with her sashes but some of it still reached her.

'Frost Breathing, eighth form: Ice Skating Dance; .....'

Kazumi moved even faster that Tsukika almost can't keep up as she sent four powerful slashes towards her. Those slashes were powerful enough to even eliminate the remaining demon wolves causing the water to rise up and make huge waves.

'.... Primary Moon Phases!'

Just as Tsukika release another blood demon art, she coughed out more blood as Kazumi face her from the distant. She held her sword tightly as she dash forward again.

'Frost Breathing, fourth form: Frozen River; Solid Cut.'

She released a single slash attack upon reaching Tsukika as she managed to decapitate her head again but Tsukika regenerated as she used her voice releasing a higher pitched sound than what she made earlier as Kazumi jumped back and counter it by slashing on the water making it rise up and shield her from the sound.

Tsukika then raised both her hands up as huge tentacles made out of water surround Kazumi cornering her and imprisoning her within the water. Kazumi took in a deep breath as she released another form.

'Frost Breathing, seventh form: Winter Hail; Blizzard!'

She twisted her upper body sending in a circular slash that formed into a huge freezing tornado that broke the water sphere she's in and froze the waters around her making her land on it as she sent multiple stabs and slashes to Tsukika while moving around her. The slashes again managed to cut her arms, her legs, her face, her abdomen, stab her neck and head, and cut her body in half from the waist.

Tsukika kept on yelling in annoyance and anger as Kazumi stop letting her regenerate. Tsukika gritted her teeth as she clenched her fists tightly.

"DAMMIT! JUST WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FULLY DISAPPEAR?! YOU DUMB BITCH!" Tsukika yelled sending multiple arrows made out of water to Kazumi as she merely slashed them turning them back into their liquid state.

'If only she has experience in an actual battle, she could've used her power more appropriately.'
Kazumi thought putting her self in a stance again.

'Frost Breathing, ninth form: Solid Snowfall Thrust.'

She dashed forward as she jumped up dodging Tsukika's attacks from underwater as she twist her body in mid-air while releasing multiple slashes and stabs down to Tsukika also countering her blood demon art before landing down then somersaulting as she spins herself forward releasing a final powerful slash. This final slash of hers made the waters rise up as if she almost cut the sea in half.

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