Chapter 44: 'A Storm Passing By'

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     Kazumi's currently writing on her journal again as behind her is Kazumo who's still asleep. Since the people were resting last night and they don't want to interrupt them, Kazumo and Kazumi went to the Infinity Fortress with the upper moons and there they played. They're all so noisy except for Kokushibou and Nakime who just chatted with Kazumi while the rest played tag all around like children.

"She has quite changed now that she's a demon and free from that place." Kazumi mumbled out as she continue to write.

Just then, Mei came calling her from outside her room in the corridors.

"Kazumi-sama, breakfast is ready. Would you like me to take it to you?"

"No need, I'm coming." Kazumi replied as she stand up and walk out of her room.

"There's a demon in your room." Mei said as she walk alongside Kazumi.

"Yes but don't worry, she's my sister. The one I told you guys before who was missing." Kazumi replied as she glance at Mei.

"I'm happy that she's back then. Another family member to be added up." Mei said in a cheerful tone.

As they got closer to the dining room, Kazumi could already hear the children being noisy and energetic as usual. She just sighed as she kept her smile and enter the room with Mei.

"Good morning everyone!" Kazumi greeted as they greeted her back with big smiles on their faces.

Ringo's sadly still staying in her room as she recover. She still can't join them as she has to stay in bed. Right after breakfast, Kazumi came holding a tray of food for Ringo.

"Good morning!" Kazumi greeted as she place the tray of food on the table.

"Good morning Master." Ringo greeted back with a smile.
"You don't have to do that, Mei-san or the others can bring me my food."

"I insist."

Ringo just sighed as she started to eat her breakfast while Kazumi stayed with her watching her eat while chatting with her.

"Ringo-san, are you still angry?" Kazumi asked which made Ringo look at her as she gulp her food down.

"Angry? To who?"

"The Pillars."

Ringo stopped as she's about to put the spoon in her mouth. She then sighed as she nod in response before taking the food into her mouth.

"They're a bunch of idiots and brats...*munch*... If they are to be my children...*gulp*... I'll be giving them the so called 'tough love' to teach them." Ringo answered as she grip her spoon tightly.
"And add up that Ubuyashiki who's supposed to be much more understanding than them. Ridiculous! They're all years older than you yet you're the one who acts much more like an adult than they do! They just tick me off so much!"

"There you go again losing your temper." Kazumi chuckled.

"Even Mei-san who don't usually hate at people is angry at them as much as I do. Those brats really know how to piss people off, even those three low ranks." Ringo ranted.

"Lower ranks?"

"Kamado! Agatsuma! Hashibira!" Ringo stated as she continue to chew her food.

After Ringo finished her meal, Kazumi took the dishes as she got out of her room. As she walk on the corridor, Uyeda came rushing at her.

"Master!" He called in a whisper as he stop in front of her.

"What is it Uyeda-san?" Kazumi blinked her eyes.

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