Chapter 62: Kokushibou

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     Kyojuro's now running following his crow. He wasn't able to help Giyu and Tanjiro as he ended up landing on a new floor that appeared beneath while attempting to follow Akaza by jumping down.

'North, that's the location Kazumi's at rignt now. But it's still far. Just how big is this place?'
He wondered to himself as he kept on running passing by countless demons that he would end up killing.

     Obanai and Mitsuri are now dealing with the upper moon four, Nakime, who's using a biwa as a tool. Mitsuri tried to attack her first but as she strum her biwa, a door appeared to cover her in front of Mitsuri making her head bump onto it and her nose to bleed as she fall. Obanai managed to catch her and put her back on her feet again.

"Kanroji, as long as we don't know our opponent's abilities, let's watch closely, think hard and proceed calmly." Obanai said.

"Okay." Mitsuri replied blushing from embarrassment.

Just that, a huge shoji door opened as the two grabbed the edge and pull theirselves back up. They dodged the other doors opening and the other platforms coming to crush them.

     Gyomei's now running ahead too as the twins are just right behind him. Without any notice, a part of the fortress moved towards them separating the two from Gyomei as they both crush onto a wall. As the twins land on their feet in another part of the fortress, a tall male with three pairs of eyes is right in front of them.

"You came, demon slayers." He said as he look at the two.
"Hm? You.... for some reason, you two seem familiar." He continued holding the hilt of his sword.

'Upper-rank.... one!'
The twins thought in sync.

"Hmm, I figured. I see now." Kokushibou squinted his eyes a little as he look at both their bodies being able to see through them as if they are made out of glass.

'This is upper moon one. He's so different compared to the other upper moons. He look so dignified and majestic. And the blade, the blade is warped but he has a sword. Was this man a demon slayer before? Then he must've used some kind of brea—'
Muichiro thought that got cut off as his body started trembling.

"Muichiro, calm yourself down and hold your sword properly. Don't give in to such mere trembling." Yuichiro sternly said stepping in front of Muichiro holding his sword.

"Nii-san...." Muichiro muttered out.

"Your names, what're your names?" Kokushibou asked.

"I'm Tokito Yuichiro and my brother's Tokito Muichiro." Yuichiro answered without looking away from Kokushibou's eyes.

"Alright, I see. The 'Tsugikuni' name has died out."

"How do you now the name of the first breath user?" Muichiro asked still trembling a little.

"It has been hundreds of years, after all. Still inevitable. My name back when I was a human was Tsugikuni Michikatsu. You two are a member of the 'Tsugikuni' family that I left behind, my child's descendants. So you two are my offsprings. And to answer your question, he was once my brother." Kokushibou explained.

A clear shocked expression can be seen on both their faces right after hearing him. They looked at him in disbelief. A demon being a brother of the first breath user, it is ridiculously unbelievable to them.

'Offspring?! Us?! To this guy?! Impossible! I can't believe this!'
Muichiro thought who finally managed to calm down out of his disbelief from what he heard.

'So they're brothers. But can he use the same breathing form as his brother?'
Yuichiro thought not moving an inch to his spot.

"Mist Breathing, second form: Eight Layered Mist!"

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