Chapter 29: Question and Answer

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     Everyone's now inside as they all sat down while some of them knelt down the tatami mat with the chest box kept closed and put aside in the corner of the room.

"Do you guys really have to listen to this?" Fuji asked as she grit her teeth looking at the Pillars.

Although everyone of them are scared to the bone, they all nodded. The saying 'curiousity kills the cat' seem to be true as it applies to each and everyone of them who wanted answers. Fuji just sighed as she massage her temples.

'Kazumi-sama, if you want these children alive, come back alive yourself. I'm hungry.'
Fuji thought as she sit up straight.

"Now ask." Kai look at Kagaya.

"Who is the Ma—"

"Bring that up and I'll kill everyone in this room." Fuji cut him off as she glare at him.

Kagaya just sweatdropped as he chuckle nervously.

'I guess I really have to be careful with my words. Kazumi-sama, just how did you manage to tame these wild people. Even I can't do such a thing.'
Kagaya thought as he sigh.

"According from Nishiki-sama's journals, he had an older cousin and a mother. Could you tell us about their relations as to why they have constant arguments?" Kagaya asked looking serious.

"Because Nishiki's mother never loved him whole heartedly." Fuji answered right away.

This shocked everyone especially Kagaya. He thought it was just mere misunderstandings, turns out it's more than that.

"Nishiki's mother only cared about him because she knew Nishiki's the heir. She knew that once Nishiki have everything, she will have it too. But as you can see now, it didn't turn out like that." Kai explained.

"And about his older cousin Natsuko, it's because he himself wanted to be the heir. He didn't want to lead the corps but all he wanted is to have their family's wealth in his grasps. Their grandfather saw this and that was the reason he made Nishiki the heir." Aoki added.

"I see.... then, what happened to them?" Kagaya asked with concern.

"Let's just say those two faced such fate. It'll be best for us to not specify it." Kai answered.

"Then how about Yoriichi-san? I heard he got the same Master as Rengoku Toshiaki-san, Kyojuro's ancestor. Did he have any descendants except for Yuichiro and Muichiro?"

"No. And also correction, the Tokito twins are not his descendants at all." Fuji corrected him glancing at the twins.

"How? According to the informations we got, they are." Amane asked.

"You see.... those earrings Kamado Tanjiro are wearing were his." Kai pointed a finger at Tanjiro.

This made everyone look at him. Tanjiro got shocked too as he touch his earrings.

"I-It can't be! Our family has had it for generations! None of us were even slayers but me!" Tanjiro disagreed.

"Yoriichi.... was supposed to have one, but seems like the gods gave him such a cruel fate." Aoki replied.

"By the time his wife's about to give birth to their child, he decided to search for a midwife to assist her. On his way, he saw a stranger that he ended up helping. It took him a bit long to come back. But when he did, he saw nothing but the corpse of his wife and unborn son who were attacked by a demon. After that, he never had any other wife." Fuji explained.

"He held his dead wife on his arms for fourtheen days straight. He mourned for them as he blamed himself for their deaths." Kai added.

They were all saddened by this. To hear that someone strong and kind like him would face such a cruel fate. It saddened them so much.

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