Chapter 103: Wielder

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     Their scene changed again showing Kazumi running into the forest jumping from one spot to another at such speed. If they were actually following her instead of just watching, they'll be left behind. As the rain kept pouring down, she didn't stop. As she get closer to her destination, they saw trees cut down and some small sized craters and there lies on his back, the Bird Pillar, Tamura Kuro facing up.

Kazumi stopped standing right beside him as she crouched down immediately to check his pulse from his neck. They saw his lifeless eyes open staring up as he held his sword with his left hand beside him. It's a unique sword too as they suppose it's a flexible one too like Mitsuri's but the blade has the shape of a diamond instead of a normal one. His body is covered in blood and slashes and his right arm's also deattached from his body.

(A/N: Sorry I'm really bad at describing his sword.)

His crow stayed crying while telling Kazumi what happened. Major Rank One demon came as Kuro faced the demon all by himself in order to protect a nearby village from him. The demon obviously toyed with him in battle seeing how long Kuro lasted fighting before leaving. The crow even told Kazumi that the demon took Kuro's scarf before leaving stating it to be his souveneir after encountering a worthy opponent.

"Major.... rank?" Kanao asked.

"It's the rank of the demons back in this day. They are way stronger than the upper moons while the minor ranks, who are lower, are in equal strength with the upper moons." Kanae explained.

Kazumi gently put her hand on his face closing his eyes as she stood up. She sent his crow to announce his death as Riku stayed to guard the corpse as she go after the demon herself.

'I could still sense him, he's near. Just a bit further.'

She kept running at full speed until they saw a figure walking away. Without any delay, Kazumi unsheathed her sword as she skid into a stop.

'Frost Breathing, sixth form: Snowball Pitch!'

She threw her sword towards him like a spear as it hit and pass through his neck, almost decapitating him, stopping him from walking. He gritted his teeth as he attempted to grab the blade but Kazumi's already behind him pulling her blade back by the hilt and instantly slashed his back.

The demon jumped away as to perform a blood demon art but he just received an uppercut slash from her cutting his face in half from under his chin up to his head. She then stopped as the demon looked at her who distanced himself.

He has a pale grayish skin, dark-purple hair reaching his knees tied in a single braid and five eyes, a pair under his original ones and one on the forehead all having a purple scelera and blue eyes with slanted pupils as his rank is written in red on his chin under his lips. He's wearing a purple kimono with butterfly designs at the end of the sleeves and the hem with a lighter purple haori designed like that of butterfly wings fading to white by the end of the sleeves and the hem cuffed with a black edge with purple spots.

"Amazing! Three attacks in an instant. Seems like you're a Pillar like that guy back there." He praised licking the blood off from his lips.

"Give it back."

"Oh, you mean the scarf? It's mine now." He replied fixing the scarf around his neck.

"Kuro-san.... treasures that scarf so much so please, give it back." She repeated in a calm tone but now with her smile gone.

"Then take it from me."

Kazumi and the demon then clashed towards each other as Kazumi held her sword slashing him while he released several black and red colored butterflies that kept on covering her slashes preventing her balde to reach the demon. He then smirked as one of the butterflies landed on his hand and turned into a chinese war sword that he used to block her blade. She then jumped back as to dodge the butterflies trying to land on her.

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