Chapter 40: 'King'

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     By the time Kagaya left, the demons all stood up as they look at her. Their expressions worried.

"Kazumi-sama, please let those Pillars kill us! We can't risk your life just for our safety!" Nakime exclaimed.

"Please tell him that you've changed your mind. Kill us now." Gyuutaro said.

"Let him be. Besides, everyone of you know I could've killed all of you if I wanted to in the first place. I can take care of myself." Kazumi calmly replied as she face them.
"Now all I have to do is to spend my remaining month to be with my children."

Evryone of them knew she wouldn't back away. If she doesn't want to give them up to the Pillars, then they will stay with her. Even if they knew their fated deaths.

'She's such a strong person but.... it's surprising how she doesn't wish for power like that man.'
Kokushibou thought.
'She's even smarter and much more unpredictable than him.'

'With my new found emotions, I honestly feel sorry for her. Why do such a thing for monsters like us, Kazumi-sama?'
Douma thought as he shrink down into his child form and hug her waist.

"Why are you so kind?" Douma asked burrying his face on her clothes.

"I wonder too myself." Kazumi answered as she pat his head.

     A lady with a long brown hair and is wearing a black kimono adorned with red spider lilies is now sitting on the rooftop of a building located in the Red Light District. As she puff out some smoke from her pipe, a man appeared beside her. He has a purple colored hair like that of a wisteria flower ending just above his waist lose, he's wearing a red kimono with a blue belt and a silver colored haori, his skin color just as pale as hers almost gray in color.

"Where's Tatsu?" He asked.

"He died during his battle against a Flame Breath user who turns out to be Kazumi's student." The lady answered as her red plum eyes look at another pair of red plum eyes with slit pupils.

"I see, did the slayer die then?" He asked again sitting beside the lady.

"She was supposed to be dead but then, Kazumi came on time to get her."

"So you watched the whole fight?"

"No, just the end of it as I arrived late. Besides, what made you see me?"

The man just smirked as he put his head on his right hand that he placed on his knee. He watched the people down walking vice versa.

"Just wanna see you and talk to you of course. Now that she killed Muzan, what should we do now? I'm sure she'll come after us." He answered.

"She definitely will.... but then.... we can't be careless. She killed him so that only means she's strong enough to stand against us. Even if there are the two of us, she also have those three demons with her and the Pillars." The lady said as she squint her eyes.

"I doubt about the Pillars. I heard that a misunderstanding occured between her and them as I was walking around somewhere back then. Do you think using them would make her come to us unprepared?"

"Are you an idiot? Do you really think she'll come unprepared? She'll only show up to lop our heads off without hesitating for a second. She's a clever girl despite her age. She doesn't even act like a child or someone who is twelve." The lady retorted as she frown.
"Her mere existence is a threat."

"Come on, don't lose your composure just because of that. I'm sure the both of us or one of us would be able to come up with a plan on how to take her down. We just have to wait for the right time." He looked at her with an evil smirk on his face.

"I know what you're thinking. To wait until her relationship with the slayers and the Pillars breaks and falls down. With that, she'll be left helpless and alone." The lady replied raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly. Now we just have to be as patient as we can be." He answered crossing his arms.

     Kazumi's now inside her underground lab with the three demons as the upper moons went back into the fortress. She looked at all the tubes placed on the long table, some of them still have liquids in them.

"Kazumi-sama, did he tell you anything about the whereabouts of those two?" Aoki asked.

"No, even he don't know their exact location. They're just as cunning as him." Kazumi answered.

"What should we do with the Pillars then? And that Ubuyashiki? Should we take care of Kagaya?" Fuji asked holding tubes in each of her hands as she mix them.

"I'll handle them myself. With the blue spider lily in my possession and the upper moons, we can't let this plan fail." Kazumi answered as she gently touch the blue spider lily placed in a flower pot with a smile on her face.
"If we want to win, we have to play the game thoroughly."

The three all nodded in agreement as they continue whatever they're doing. For whatever her decision would be, they'll obey her.

'And for the game to be played thoroughly, the 'king' must be taken down first.'
Kazumi thought as she pick up a shogi piece from the table with the other pieces placed down.
'And the king's none other than the corps' leader, Ubuyashiki Kagaya.'
She looked at the piece with the kanji characters indicating the word for 'king'.

     As Kagaya and his wife walk back to their estate, Kagaya could feel a sudden chill run down his spine. A different coldness, as if the chill he felt just now is a warning sign for him. A sign that he should be aware of something.....
...... or more like someone just around the corner.

'And for me to take the 'king' down, is just a very simple and easy thing to do.'

- So readers, what do you think? Is Kazumi a friend or an enemy under a disguise all this time? As she's ready to take the 'king' of the corps down at anytime......

🐷: Dark-san, just what kind of game are you trying to pull here?

👤: Just a few more chapters and you'll see.

🐷: I swear, don't you even dare pick up an UNO card.

👤: ........

🐷: This b*stard....

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