Chapter 46: Family Visit (pt. 1)

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Two weeks has passed ever since the last time Kazumi and Kagaya had a conversation. Now she's getting some stuffs ready for tomorrow.

"What are those stuffs for?" Kazumo asked as she look at some boxes placed on Kazumi's desk.

"Gifts for my family that I'll visit tomorrow." Kazumi answered as she put them aside.

"Family?! Woah! That's great! Can I come?"

"Sorry nee-chan but, you can't. I'm afraid you might burn under the sun once we travel. You can just stay here." Kazumi apologized.

"Boo! No way! What if something happens to you? What if a sudden attack came?" Kazumo pouted.

"I'm really sorry, don't worry, I promise that I'll come back safe and sound. Besides, now that Muzan's dead the demons have been lessened and weakened without their progenirator commanding them." Kazumi patted Kazumo's head.

Kazumo just sighed as she agreed to be left behind.

The next morning, Kazumi bid farewell to everyone as she start to travel to the village where Tetsuya and his family are staying at. She has to put the things she brought in a satchel as she's now wearing her navy blue yukata and black hakama pants instead of her haori and uniform. Not using her full speed at all made her arrive at the village by night, after the sun has set. As she enter, she used the green scarf that Kazumo gave to her before she left to cover her head and face.

'Ara~, even nee-chan's scent is still lingering in this scarf.'
She thought as she smile.

As she walk, she could see that the village have quite a lot of people too. She turned her head from side to side as she saw a lot of stalls opening for the night market. Several lanterns being lighted up as the village slowly turn to be bright.

'Now, I wonder how I should show up to them. This is the first time for me to go to their place.'
Kazumi thought to herself as she come near their estate.

By then, she vanished from her spot without anyone even noticing it.

Touya's now having a stroll around the garden with his older brothers. As they're all about to go inside, someone suddenly greeted them from behind.

"Good evening!"

They all turned around to see Kazumi.

"Waaaah! Kazum! You came to visit!" Touya jumped at her as he hug her making the two fall down the ground.

"Touya!" Shu exclaimed as he grab his younger brother's back collar.

"We're all so happy that you came! Although it's such a surprise." Suzuki said as he hug her too.

She all hugged them as Touya started crying tears of joy.

"Touya, you don't have to cry." Kazumi said as she pat his head as he kept on hugging her.

"How can't I? You've been gone for so long that I missed you!"

"Oi, you're not the only one." Shu smack his younger brother's head a little.

They soon heard the loud footsteps of the maids and their parents coming closer.

"Boys! Is something wrong?! What's with the screaming?!" Toshino asked in a worried tone as they arrive.

"Mother! Father! Kazumi's here!" Touya replied.

As the couple came closer and the brothers stepped aside, they saw Kazumi smiling at them.

"Master, shall we-"

"Kazumi-chan!" Toshino run towards her with her husband as they hug Kazumi cutting the maid from her words.

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