Chapter 87: Act

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     Kazumi's now training by herself at the garden as the crescent moon shines brightly in the night sky. Riku's also sleeping on the veranda when a sudden sound made him raise his head. He slightly growled when it happened again. Kazumi then faced him as she walk towards him. She then rubbed Riku's head as he calmed down and stopped. Just then, Muzan showed up wearing a cloak.

"Nii-san! What the heck are you doing here?!" She yelled in a whisper facing him.

"Um.... hello?" Muzan lift up his right hand awkwardly as Kazumi sighed and facepalmed herself.

'He's crazy.'

"How did you even find this place?"

"By crow."

The two then sat on the veranda as Riku stayed a bit further. Muzan looked at him as he just looked back before continuing to sleep.

"I didn't know you have a wolf as a pet."

"He's actually my friend. And also, it's because I never brought him to your place. Whenever I go to yours, he would always wait behind the bushes outside the village."

"Why though?"

"Mother told me you're allergic to animal fur like those from cats and dogs."

Muzan sweatdropped as he didn't even know what to say. He just sighed as he scratch his neck and sit back with his arms at his sides. He looked up to the moon, the cold wind passing by them.

"It's quite late so, why are you here?" Kazumi asked facing up

"I just felt like coming. Gods, I was so pissed this morning! So I came here for a cool down. I was even so nervous, afraid that you might not be here."

"Then you're lucky that I'm home. If I'm not, then you gotta go back to your place again." Kazumi chuckled.

"Since when was this place built?"

"Actually, this place wasn't originally mine. It was Haru-san's. After he died and I became a Pillar, I've decided to stay here instead of getting a new one for myself."

Muzan looked at her who's facing up smiling despite that sad fact. He felt so sorry for her. He then reached out his arms as he ended up hugging her. Her mouth went agape in surprise as she stayed still while Muzan hugged her from her side. She then raised her arms as she hug him back.

"They look so good as siblings. I never expected Muzan to be that affectionate at all." Gyomei said.

"He obviously cared about her sister so much. It touches me." Mitsuri put a hand on her chest.

"I wonder.... if it was Kazumi's death that gave him a reason to be who he is in our timeline. A cold hearted and merciless demon." Kagaya bit his bottom lip.

"What.... do you mean Oyakata-sama?" Kyojuro asked.

"As we all know, Kazumi's the Master mentioned in our ancestors's journals. And from one of Nishiki-sama's journals, he mentioned the death of the Master."

They all looked at him in surprise as they look back at the two still hugging each other. Their lips formed a thin line as they all took in a deep breath.

Their scene changed again showing Kazumi who's now back at the Kibutsuji Estate again. As she's about to walk towards Muzan's room, Misayo saw her and approached her immediately.

"Kazumi." She called from behind.
"Let's talk." She continued before Kazumi could even speak.

Kazumi sighed as she just nodded following Misayo to the veranda outside near the garden. As her maids leave the both of them alone, Misayo huffed.

"What do you want my lady?" Kazumi asked politely.

"What do I want?" Misayo repeated raising an eyebrow.
"Obviously, what I want is for you to leave my brother alone. He has become colder to me ever since the first time I saw you! I know you saved his life from demons from what I heard from the samurais. But you're getting way too close! You're taking my place!"

"I'm sorry if that's what it looks like to you but, I'm not taking away yours or anyone's place. Because first of all, he's the one who would call for me here. Second, it's not my fault if he's cold towards you, I honestly even feel sorry for you and would tell him to at least show you a bit of affection. And lastly, it's my first time meeting you too so it's not my fault if he looks happier with me than with you."

Misayo's eyes widened as her mouth went agape gasping from Kazumi's straight forward reply. She looked so offended while the slayers look a bit proud as she finally talked back. Misayo then frowned as she step closer grabbing Kazumi's collar.

"Listen here you blind dog! You should know how to respect those whose position is higher than you. Even if you're a slayer, you still serve us nobles. Watch your words."

"Excuse me. Not to be rude but.... it's not 'us' since it's only lord Kibutsuji I'm serving here not the both of you."

Misayo looked so annoyed that she gritted her teeth and was about to slap her but then, she saw a glimpse of Muzan from afar that made her stop. She then grabbed Kazumi's hands and held them.

"I'll make sure you get punished." She whispered before she let herself fall down the ground from the veranda holding Kazumi's hands.

She then started crying as her maids came to check on them. They saw her sitting on the ground crying while Kazumi stood there facing her. Her lips formed into a thin line instead of a smile.

'Her acting is so ridiculous it makes me want to laugh. She should practice even more.'

"You're so mean! How could you do this to our lady! She's so kind yet you pushed her off!" One of the maids yelled at her.

"How disrespectful. I bet you're also just acting blind to please the lord." Another one said.

"What the f*ck! They're too ridiculous! How could they say such things!" Sanemi cursed.

"Said by someone who cursed her in the worst way." Hanare replied which caught them off guard.

They all looked at her in confusion. She then sighed as she face them.

"So none of you guys realized it yet? Seriously?" They all kept their eyes at her as they briefly exchanged glances not having a clue of what she's talking about.

'I swear you guys are making me age a hundred here!'

"That Kazumi that you're all watching is the same Azakura Kazumi you all met and killed."

Everyone went speechless processing her answer. They looked back and forth to Kazumi and to Hanare in shock.

"T-This can't be! There's no way!" Tengen blurted out.

"My daughter got reincarnated dumbass."

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