Chapter 110: Kanae and Yuichiro

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     As their scene changed again, it showed Ringo and Kazumi walking up a mountain. While walking, Ringo's holding a basket as if they're to visit someone.

"Master, do you think those children will like these? I mean.... you told me they haven't seen you yet." Ringo asked.

"Don't worry. This isn't the first time I brought them something. We'll just leave the basket outside their door and hide." Kazumi answered as she face her with a smile.

Just then, Kazumi suddenly stopped on her tracks.

"Ringo-san hurry!" She exclaimed as she started running.

'What's this?! Why can I smell blood?!'

Upon arriving at their destination, Muichiro and Yuichiro's eyes widened seeing their house.

"That's our place!" Muichiro pointed at the house.

As they enter, they saw the twins on the bloody floor both unconscious and badly injured but Muichiro kept a hold of his brother's hand. They saw how Yuichiro's missing an arm and has lost a lot of blood while Muichiro's covered in wounds and scratches. She knelt down the ground as she check on the two placing two of her fingers on their necks.

'This one still has a bit of consciousness left.'
She thought looking at Muichiro.

"Can you hear me?" She gently asked caressing his head carefully because of his injury.

Muichiro's eyes just opened for a little bit looking up at her.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that you two will live." She muttered out as she stood up.
"Take the other one to Kagaya-san's place. I'll take this one." Kazumi instructed right away as Ringo immediately carried Muichiro on her back and left.

Kazumi also grabbed some spare clothes as she use it to carefully wrap Yuichiro's arm and his deep cut not to let it bleed further more as she carefully carry him on her arms and run. Having their scene changed again, it showed Kazumi now wrapping Yuichiro's arm with a clean bandage as he's now wearing a clean yukata while sleeping on a futon.

'Thankfully, I was able to make his heart beat again despite the blood loss. But I'm sure he'll be under coma for a while.'

She sighed as she stood up and silently left the room. Just then, Masako arrived in panic.

"Kazumi-sama!" She called.
"Kocho-san's throwing a tantrum in her room. She seems to be in search of something and she can't find it."

As Kazumi went to Kanae's room, she slowly opened the door and saw Kanae with her back as she face the wall, she's also smaller as she's in her child form. Upon fully opening it letting her presence be known, Kanae faced her with teary eyes and ran to her hugging her waist.

"Kocho-san, what's wrong?" Kazumi asked gently patting her head.

Kanae didn't reply as she just sobbed while hugging Kazumi. Kazumi sighed as she just carried Kanae and patted her back gently while rocking her to sleep. Shortly, she fell asleep as Kazumi laid her down and walked outside again.

Now they're watching her inject medicine on Yuichiro's arm as she also adjusted his IV. But just as she's about to walk out of the room holding the tray of medicines, she heard a loud cry from Kanae. She quickly went to her room and saw Masako trying to calm her down with a pin wheel but she just kept on crying.

"Has she eaten? Maybe she's hungry." Kazumi spoke that made Kanae, in her child form, face her and stood up running to her.

"It seems like the one she wants is you Kazumi-sama. That's why she keeps on crying." Masako said as she look at Kanae.

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