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Here we go! Part two!!!

The next day came again as they're at the shrine again. This time, they're all watching Michikatsu and Kazumi as he just challenged her. He challenged her to have a question and answer with him before she could get to read the mangas that Douma brought with him. At first they're all not up for it, but when Kazumi agreed, they decided to go on with the flow.

"What's 2×6?" He started.

"What kind of question is that Michikatsu?!" Ume gritted her teeth as she cross her arms.

"Fine. What's 1 285×674 plus the square root of 64?"

"866 098" Kazumi answered right after his question.

'That fast?! I was just about to use my calculator.'
Ume thought.

"Four squared divided to two and subracted to four."


The two kept going until they finished ten questions for math then going to history.

"Michikatsu, are you really going to ask me about history? I lived way longer than you though." She asked as Michikatsu sighed.

"Alright then, let's go with science." He then tapped his fingers on the floor shortly as he think of a question then snapping it.
"Names for the Actinide Metals in the periodic table?"

"Ac for Actinium, Th for Thorium, Pa for Protactinium, U for Uranium, Np for Neptunium, Pu for Plutonium, Am for Americium, Cm for Curium, Bk for Berkelium, Cf for Californium, Es for Einsteinium, Fm for Fermium, Md for Mendelevium, No for Nobelium, and last Lr for Lawrencium."

"Awesome! She got them all right!" Douma praised as he showed Michikatsu the periodic table he's holding.

"There's still a last question." Michikatsu crossed his arms.

'This gave me a hard time at school back then if I say so myself but I managed to perfectly master it. I bet she'll stutter answering.'

"Give the names of the elements I'll say and their atomic numbers. Name and atomic numbers of Na, Sr, Sg, Hg, Tl, Ge, Sb, Po, Br, and Kr."

"Easy! Na for Sodium number 11, Sr for Strontium number 38, Sg for Seaborgium number 106, Hg for Mercury number 80, Tl for Thalium number 81, Ge for Germanium number 32, Sb for Antimony number 51, Po for Polonium number 84, Br for Bromine number 35, and Kr for Krypton number 36."


Her correct answers made Michikatsu's soul leave his body as he fall down the floor while she happily run to Douma's spot and grab a manga. The rest stiffled in their laughter as they look at Michikatsu. They all still managed to enjoy their time with her as Michikatsu accepted his defeat and joined them.

"Kazumi-chan~, would you like to go to my place? I've got more mangas there." Douma suggested.

"N-No need! I'm fine with you guys visiting here. Besides, I don't wanna cause you guys trouble." She replied blushing from embarrassment.

"I swear you won't after all, you said yourself that you're a spirit." He reassured her.

"Yeah. It'll be fun to take you out and let you see what's outside this place." Akaza said.

"And if you want to enjoy the outside more, then maybe you can shape shift and come with us." Nakime suggested leaning closer as she caress one of Kazumi's tails.
"But this tail of yours is too fluffy for me I can't get enough of it even if I touch it like this so many times.

"Me too. It's so beautiful." Ume agreed caressing one too.

"Did you two even asked for her permission?" Gyuutaro asked eyeing the two.

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