Chapter 6: Letters

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     The night has fallen yet Tengen and the others still hasn't encountered the said demon in the Red Light District. He also found out that her wives are all safe and sound, no traces of any harm.

Zenitsu's now walking around the house as he just finished playing the shamisen. He then ended up in a room and saw a girl cleaning it up.

"Need help?" He asked.

The girl then turned around to look at him as she smile.

"Don't worry, there's no need." The girl answered.

Shortly, a beautiful lady wearing a beautiful thick layered kimono and several hair ornaments and make-up came, with her looks one could tell that she's an oiran. The girl smiled at her as she smile back.

"Warabihime-sama, the room is now cleaned." The girl said.

"Thank you." The lady known as the Warabihime replied.

'This sound.... why does it sound different?.... This lady.... sounds like a demon.'
Zenitsu thought as he look up to the lady.

"Is there something wrong?" The lady asked.

"No-Nothing." Zenitsu answered.

'She does speaks kindly but.... she's really different. Might as well report it later.'
Zenitsu thought as he watch the oiran leave with the girl.

That night, he met up with Inosuke and Tengen on a rooftop as Obanai just came on time before Zenitsu started reporting.

"Alright, now talk." Obanai said looking at Zenitsu.

"You see, there's this oiran named Warabihime. She does talk in a kind manner but the sound I hear from her is different. It's like that of a demon's. Even Hinatsuru-san told me that as if the oiran changed." Zenitsu explained.

"What do you mean by change?" Tengen asked.

"I heard from the others that she was once a very short tempered lady and also very, very cruel. But then, they said she slowly changed and has become kinder. Even her temper. Even Hinatsuru-san heard the same rumors." Zenitsu answered.

"How about you borehead?" Tengen asked looking at Inosuke.

"I didn't find anything suspicious at my place." Inosuke answered.

"Alright then it's settled, we'll go to Kyougoku House then. Let's start the flamboyant fight!" Tengen said as he stood up putting his hands on his waist.

"Don't be stupid. Who knows what kind of tricks that demon have under her sleeves." Obanai replied looking at Tengen.

"If we corner her then we'll get a high chance to win."

Obanai just sighed as Inosuke and Zenitsu left to change and grab their swords.

     The same oiran with the name Warabihime is currently sitting in her room together with another figure. A male with a pale grayish complexion and a thin body with black spots and a black to lime green hair whose eyes have red pupils on the right and lime green on the left both with yellow scelera.

"Onii-chan, you sensed them too, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, they're here. The slayers are here." The male answered.

Soon after that, shadowed figures entered their room as two boys stood on the window frame. Tengen's behind while Obanai's in front of the oiran and her brother while Zenitsu came in too and behind him is Inosuke on the window frame.

"So you two are the demons. Upper moon six we suppose." Tengen said.

Obanai's sword is already out and ready to attack. Tengen's holding the hilt of his the same as Zenitsu while Inosuke's also holding his like Obanai.

"Well.... we know that slayers are around here already and we already half-expected the Pillars with them too." The guy replied.

"I see that you two aren't making a move. If you're planning of a trap better show it now." Obanai said.

"Trap? Why would we trap you guys? Besides, at least put down your sword if you wanna have a talk." The oiran replied frowning a little.

"Don't casually talk with us as if we're here for a tea time. Reveal your true colors." Obanai hissed glaring at them as he pointed the tip of his blade closer on the oiran's neck.

"Hmph! You guys are so rude! I'm going to tell Kazumi-sama you're bullying me!" Warabihime pouted as she cross her arms and look away.

All four of the slayers looked dumbfounded hearing her words. Obanai then grit his teeth behind his bandages.

"Do you think you can trick us?! Stop lying!" He snapped.

"Then there! That's the evidence!" Warabihime said with an irk mark on her forehead as she threw a bunch of letters on Obanai's face that she got from a box on her table.

The letters fell on the floor as the slayers walked towards it and picked some of them up.

"All those are from her. We still have more if you want." The man said.
"I'm Gyuutarou and this here is my younger sister Ume, Daki's her demon name." He added pointing a thumb at his sister.

"Now this is ridiculously confusing. How on earth did the both of you ended up knowing her?" Tengen asked after reading the letter he's holding.

"It's a long story but she's very kind and we feel different towards her." Daki answered with a smile.
"And also, she cooks well! Only her foods can make me feel full. Unlike the foods here served to me."

"Then.... which name are we suppose to call you?" Zenitsu asked.

"Just Daki, Ume was my human name anyway. Or any of the two that makes you guys comfortable." Daki answered.

"We'll stick to Daki then." Tengen said.

"Now if you guys are finish, might as well go back." Gyuutarou said.

"We're here to kill you two." Obanai replied.

"We know but as you guys can see, we're under Kazumi-sama's protection. She said that if any of the Pillars tried to kill us, we just have to run away.... wait...." Daki replied as she suddenly stopped.

"Stupid." Gyuutarou insulted.

"Ugh! I shouldn't have spoken too much! Now they know we'll run away!" Daki grabbed her hair as she pull her head down the table.
"Now they'll chase us!"

The slayers and Gyuutarou just looked at her sweatdropping. Gyuutarou then sighed as he look back at the slayers.

"Well, it's on you guys if you still wanted to kill us or no." Gyuutarou said.

Knowing that they have connection with Kazumi made them a bit hesitant to do their mission yet they can't also disobey their Master. After all, they are slayers who kill demons not spare them. But now, it shows everyone's huge difference towards Kazumi, she who knew the consequences still spared a demon. And an upper moon, a member of the twelve kizuki, to top it all.

"Shall we inform Oyakata-sama about this?" Tengen asked looking at Obanai.

"Better do it. They don't seem to attack us at all." Obanai answered.

A crow then landed on the window frame with a purple ribbon around its neck.

"A word from Oyakata-sama, caaaw! He said if the demons won't fight spare them, caaaw!" The crow said.

The slayers all looked at each other before sighing as they nod at the bird which shortly left. They then turned their heads towards the demon siblings.

"You guys get out! NOW!" Gyuutarou yelled as the slayers all jumped out of the room to the corridors breaking the doors.

The floor of the room just suddenly turned into doors as Gyuutarou and Daki let theirselves fall inside, even the letters that were left on the floor fell in. After that, it disappeared as it turned back back into a normal floor again.

"What.... was that?" Zenitsu asked almost in a whisper.

"I'm sure that was caused by a certain blood demon art." Tengen answered.

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