Chapter 51: Promise

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As the monster disintegrated completely, Kazumi felt a sudden shock of pain in her head but nevertheless, she didn't show any reactions at all as she just gripped her sword tighter before loosening her grip and putting it back in her scabbard. Kazumo then went back to her original form as she fall on her knees and pant a little.

"Thank you for the help, nee-chan." Kazumi thanked her as she help her up.

"No worries, we're sisters after all." Kazumo replied as she stand up.
"But it seems like enemies are still around." She then looked at the direction where the demon watching them is standing at.

As he notice the two looking at him, he clicked his tongue as he vanish from his spot.

"Gotta go now, I don't want some peeps surrounding me. I'll see you back." Kazumo said.

"You sure? You should rest for a bit."

"No worries, it's better for me to rest in your room sleeping on your futon." Kazumo slightly patted Kazumi's back as she jumped away and ran out.

Kazumi then went to the people who are now getting helped at from their injuries. Thankfully, none of them died and just suffered some major and minor injuries. Her brothers and her father then came running towards her as they hug her.

"Are you alright? No broken bones or anything?" Tetsuya asked as he held her arms.

"I am, please don't worry about me." Kazumi answered.

"You're so cool! We couldn't even see you cutting those roots!" Touya praised.

"And I didn't also expect for you to have a companion, where's your friend?" Suzuki asked.

"She went off, I told her to stay to rest but she insisted on leaving." Kazumi answered as she look at the direction where Kazumo went to.

"If it weren't for you and that friend of yours, this village would've been destroyed and lots of people would've died. We're really thankful." Tomoe said as he sigh.

Some people also thanked her and apologized to her from the rumors they've spread about her. As usual, she forgave them and refused to take the credits.

"Please, it was just a coincidence. If I wasn't here, there'll be another person who could've come here to defeat that thing. I don't deserve such praises." Kazumi said in her usual calm tone and a smile on her face.

'Thankfully, Take's here to prevent this incident from getting reported to the headquarters.'
Kazumi thought.

The family decided to go back to Tomoe's place as they were met by the servants and Toshino with the midwife. They cried tears of joy seeing them all come back alive. They all spent the night there after the incident.

Morning has come and the family are still at Tomoe's residence accompanying Akiko who just woke up.

"I'm glad that you're alive, I heard what happened last night from Tomoe." Akiko said still lying down.

"No worries Akiko-san, I came back alive and safe. Although, today will be my leave." Kazumi replied.

"I understand, it's just that.... I wish for you stay longer." Akiko then felt a hand on her own as she look at Kazumi's hand holding hers.

"Akiko-san, I wish for you and Tomoe-nii to have a good and long life as a happy family. I really can't promise for another visit but, I hope I'll be able to. I know Tomoe-nii's such a good and kind man, I'm sure he'll take care of you and your child." Kazumi said as she gave Akiko a closed eye smile.

"I-I'm really happy that you came to visit...." Akiko started to tear up.
"I'm also thankful to meet you even if it's just the first time I saw you.... I'm really happy.... Kazumi-chan...."

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