Chapter 15: Sun Conqueror

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     The swordsmiths shook Tanjiro telling him to look behind. As he do so, his eyes widened in surprise and joy. There stood Nezuko smiling at him as she stopped getting burnt from the sun.

"M-Morning." She greeted with a smile.

"Ne-Nezuko, you're talking.... you're alive.... you're not burning under the sun." Tanjiro said as he ran to her and hug her.
"Nezuko! You're really alive! Thank the gods!"

"Thank.... the gods." Nezuko copied.

The demon lady whose been watching them from afar then broke her pipe she's holding as she held it too tight. Her eyes widened at the scene as she grit her teeth.

'She.... conquered the sun..... SHE CONQUERED THE SUN!!! BUT HOW?! HOW?! How is she able to conquer the sun?! Impossible! Impossible!'
The demon lady yelled in her head as she grabbed her hair with both her hands.

Because of how tight she's grabbing onto her hair, her scalp started to bleed. She then started to ran away too as to not get burnt by the sun. She kept on gritting her teeth as she's fuming with anger inside.

"Not only are Kai, Fuji, and Aoki managed to conquer it but also that girl. This is unacceptable! Utterly unbelievable!" She cursed under her breath.

"I curse you, you shall never ever be able to conquer the sun no matter what."

Those words popped up in her head along with the image of a lady with a long black wavy hair looking down at her. This made the demon lady even more angry.

Even their friends from the cliff who saw this were all surprised. Genya smiled at them as he watch Tanjiro hug Nezuko. Tanjiro then suddenly collapsed from exhaustion as he ended up getting carried by Nezuko on her back. As the two got back up to the cliff, they were all engulfed by Mitsuri into a group hug.

"Waaaah! We're all alive! Thank the gods! We're all alive!" She exclaimed as she cry tears of joy while hugging them.

Genya blushed as he felt himself being hugged by a lady.

(🐷: Yeah seems like puberty hit him hard.)

     On the other hand, a crow flew around the current mansion Tamayo and Yushiro's staying at.


"Kazumi-sama.... we're both right. It came true, she conquered it." Tamayo muttered to herself as she smile.

"But.... wouldn't that make her a target of Muzan? If this news reach him, he'll surely go after her." Yushiro said.

"I know, Kazumi-sama told me about it in advance. Although during that time, Nezuko still haven't conquered the sun. That's why I hope.... she comes back alive from wherever she is now." Tamayo replied as she look down.

Her eyes then landed on the small box on her desk. The box where the poison Kazumi made is placed that she entrusted to her. She sighed as she put a hand on it.

     Even Fuji, Kai, and Aoki received the news from Taro as they are currently at the Frost Estate still. They all nodded in response as the three remained sitted on the veranda outside Kazumi's room.

"Seems like in just a short time, an all out battle will happen." Aoki said.

"It's inevitable. But what we should worry now is to when Master would come back or if ever she'll come back." Kai replied.

"How about we use our blood demon art on Take. Maybe by seeing his memories, we'll be able to know where she is." Aoki suggested.

"Stop it fool. Kai and I had already done such a thing to the slayers letting them see her past. Remember, she told us not to go after her no matter what." Fuji replied with a frown.

"Right." Aoki sighed.

"But still, she warned us about the possibility of that another one being alive. We can't let our guard down now knowing that there would be two powerful demons that'll go after the Kamado demon." Kai said as he look up the sky.

"You mean that b*tch? I swear if she's alive and I see her, I'll shove her face down the ground." Fuji replied, an irk mark forming on her forehead.

"I'll chop her to pieces slowly." Aoki huffed crossing his arms.

"Calm down you two." Kai put a hand on both their shoulders.
"We'll torture her to death." He continued gritting his teeth.

     Because of the destruction Tatsu caused at the Swordsmith Village, they all have to move to another place in order not to be found by demons. Despite the loses, they don't have time to mourn. They have to move at once before the night falls, the demons would show up again. Kakushis came to carry the injured slayers back to the Butterfly Estate.

"Have you seen her?" Mitsuri asked to the kakushi carrying her.


"Kazumi-sama!" Mitsuri answered.

"Apologies Kanroji-sama but, no. We haven't seen Azakura-sama anywhere here." The kakushi replied.

"Do you think.... she's just around but she's ignoring us?" Tanjiro asked.

"Who knows..... after all, she has the right to hate us." Muichiro said burrying his face on the kakushi's back.

'Just to think of it, Tokito-kun's right. We did ignored her.'
Tanjiro thought.

"Now, I just got to remember something." Genya said.

"What is it?" Tanjiro asked looking at him.

"Back then, when everything's still fine between her and everyone of us, we promised something to each other.... She said that one day, after we all take down the enemy, she'll help me plant watermelons at my brother's place and grow them." Genya answered with such a genuine smile as he look up the sky.
"And then we'll eat it together with the other Pillars."

Tanjiro, Mitsuri, and Muichiro stared at him for a while before smiling too and looking ahead. Shortly, they all fell asleep on the backs of the kakushis carrying them.

     As they reach the Butterfly Estate, everyone of them were given an immediate medical treatment. Nezuko was put inside the same room where she was put after the trial back then.

It turns out that Mitsuri ended up having four broken ribs, bruises, and scratches all over her body and also a slight burn on her left hand. Muichiro ended up having three broken ribs and some burns he received while facing some of the giant salamanders causing trouble in the village. Tanjiro has two broken ribs, wounds and brusises around his body, and also a burn on his stomach. Genya only managed to receive minor ones, thanks to him turning himself into a demon that his body managed to heal his severe and life threatening injuries. As they all fell asleep, it slowly turned into night.

"They all look well." Kai said as the three of them came for a late night visit.

"Yeah, it's amazing that none of them died, but the Pillars are still injured." Aoki replied.

"Stupid! Of course they are! They're humans!" Fuji exclaimed smacking Aoki's head.

Despite her voice, it doesn't seem to wake any of the sleeping slayers up. The door suddenly opened revealing Nezuko. She looked up to them as she close her eyes and smile still with her bamboo gag. She then walked up to her brother's bed as she climb on it and sleep with him in her child form.

"Seems like despite conquering the sun it didn't affect her mentality at all. She still thinks and acts like that of a child." Kai said as he look at the sleeping siblings.

"I guess, she's lucky that despite conquering the sun as a demon, she would still have the chance to be turned back into a human." Fuji replied.
"Both her and Kanae, despite Kanae not conquering the sun at all."

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