Chapter 77: Back Home

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     As their scene changed again, Kazumi and Toshiaki has now arrived at Haru's home. It was oddly silent as the three walked in.

"I'm—" Kazumi's cut off when she sensed such a cold aura.

She then followed it until she arrived in front of Haru's room. As she slide open the doors, she saw Haru inside lying down on his futon.

"Haru-san." She called out his name.

He then turned around facing her with his tired eyes with thick eyebags. Toshiaki flinched as he hid behind Kazumi. He looked so different now, his hair in a mess, thick eyebags, tired eyes, and they even noticed how he became thinner. Unlike how he usually look with his bright lively eyes, loud and gentle voice, fixed hair, and healthy looking.

"I must be dreaming again." He muttered out as he close his eyes.

Upon opening them again, he still saw Kazumi standing in the same position as she walk closer. She then sat down as Haru poked her knee. His eyes widened in shock as he jolt up awake and hugged her.


Haru kept on yelling nagging her, still his arms around Kazumi. Toshiaki then have a worried look as he look at Kazumi's state.

'Stop, my eardrums are going to pop out.'

After a while of nagging and crying, Haru stopped as he just hugged her crying on her shoulder. Kazumi rubbed circles on his back comforting him as he soon fell unconscious due to exhaustion. She then put him down on his futon as she place his blanket on him properly.

"He looks so worried about you he even cried. Look at those eyebags too." Toshiaki whispered looking at Haru.

"Yeah, now I feel sorry for not telling him about me leaving."

After a while, the two children went back into his room after leaving him earlier to rest. Kazumi's now holding a tray of soup and a cup of water for him. By the time she entered, she saw Haru already sitting up as Toshiaki stayed by the door watching them.

"Haru-san, here's some food!" She smiled at him.

"Hey, I still haven't forgiven you from leaving like that." He said in a hoarse voice.

"I know, I'm sorry for leaving without telling you. At least I still managed to come back safely."

"Don't you know how scared I was? I thought you hated me so you left me. And then while searching I imagined demons had already eaten you because I can't find you. Lots of negative thoughts flooded my mind that I couldn't even sleep."

Kazumi just sweatdropped hearing those. She really feel sorry and guilty for what she had done.

"And who's that?" Haru pointed at Toshiaki.

"He's my friend. I met him while I was away."

Haru then signaled Toshiaki to come in. The boy then sat down beside Kazumi looking at Haru.

"Hey kid did you do something to my daughter?" He glared at him.

"N-No sir! I didn't do anything! She helped me and that's all!"

"Are you planning on doing something bad to her then?"

Toshiaki just shook his head as a response.

"Good, because if you do, I'll kill you without any second thoughts."

Toshiaki got so scared to Haru's glare and cold tone he almost peed himself but he just ended up shivering there speechless. As if he suddenly lost his soul.

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