Chapter 94: Fall

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     The demon clicked his tongue as he used his foot to kick her which she dodged again and jumped back. The demon soon smirked as a head suddenly emerged out of his back. Before another body could even emerged out completely of the demon's back, Kazumi slashed its head making it fall. She kept on slashing his back as he kept on regenerating.

"YOU DAMN PIECE OF SHIT!" The demon yelled as he turn around to punch her but she jumped away.

Shortly, the body did came out of his back but because of being weakened by Kazumi's slashes, the additional body disintegrated.


Kazumi held her sword tightly as she sensed the demon's aura changing into a much more sinister one. He stood up with his eyes wide looking at her in anger. Soon, eyes popped out on his head. One on his forehead, one on each side of his head and one on the back of his head. A pair of arms also popped out of his back from the back of his shoulders and clasped its hands together in a praying position. The eye on the back of his head has the kanji for 'pray'. And with that, a pair of huge swords emerged out of the ground as the demon held it. He also had grown taller and bigger.

"Now come to me." He said pointing his right sword at her.

Kazumi remained smiling as she dashed forward and attempted to slash him but he blocked it with his left sword and kicked Kazumi's abdomen making her fly away but she still managed to spin in mid-air and land on her feet.

"Blood Demon Art: Graceful Slash."

He just slashed his sword down but a total of ten slashes were raleased all directed at Kazumi.

'Frost Breathing, seventh form: Winter Hail.'

She swung her sword also sending out several slashes deflecting the incoming ones towards her as she soon ducked down dodging the demon's sword from behind and stabbed his arm from below before standing back up by her left arm holding her upside down as she slashed his feet. He regenrated in mere seconds before he stabbed his swords to her spot but ended up stabbing the ground as she jumped up and landed on his arms and slashed his face.

She moved attempting to attack from behind him but the right arm behind him moved as its open palms pointed at Kazumi and released a huge ball of fire. She dodged as the land she was standing on got burnt.

'So the one behind would be responsible of releasing an element. Guess this'll be harder than expected.'

The both of them dashed towards each other exchanging several sword slashes and strikes. The dusts rose up as it surrounded them making the slayers get their vision blocked. As the dusts slowly get blown away, it showed the demon healing his left arm and chest. They also looked at Kazumi whose blindfold has already landed on the ground, the right side of her head is bleeding.

"His speed and attack is just as strong as the upper moon one we've fought with at the fortress, no, this demon's even stronger." Gyomei said.

"This demon looked stronger because the upper moon one you guys fought up with back there held back. He didn't got to fight you guys at full power." Hanare replied.

"Amazing! I praise you for surviving that long young one." The demon praised her.
"To reach this position, I have to eat several slayers and some Pillars."

Kazumi remained calm holding her sword as she kept her smile.

"I'm glad to last this long then."

"But you know.... it took me more than a month to completely heal from my previous fight. He was a Pillar just like you though, he uses thunder. I must say, he was quite an amazing man himself."

"Thunder.... does he mean...." Sanemi muttered out.

"He said he'll be using his new form he had invented as a last move to finish me, I was on the brink of dying at that time. But thankfully, a major rank came and helped me. Heh, he still managed to put up a fight with that major rank despite being exhausted."

'Sora.... san...'

"I would never forget how he still gritted his teeth after having his chest stabbed and his heart crushed. None of us were able to eat him though as the sun started to rise. Hmm.... what was his name again?" The demon scratched his chin trying to remember the Pillar's name as he finally snapped his fingers.
"Aha! Yes! His name was Sora!"

Right after those words, he saw Kazumi right in front of him as her blade's just inches away from his neck. He jumped away thinking he dodged but blood suddenly bursted out as he cough out some too.

'If only that major rank demon never came, he would've slashed your head off.'

Just then, the demon moved too as he made his back face Kazumi's back. The arms again pointed its open palms at Kazumi forming a fire ball when she cut them easily. But the fireball still formed as it released towards her as she counter it with her sword making it hit back to the demon but he jumped away dodging it. Anger could clearly be seen on the demon's face yet Kazumi just kept her smile and stayed calm.

"Are you tired?" Kazumi asked that made the demon sprint towards her with his swords at hand.

They again exchanged blows as the demon lifted up both his swords attempting to release a blood demon art but Kazumi slashed his abdomen.

'Frost Breathing, first form: Frozen Scythe Cut.'

She swung her blade from his right side up to his left shoulder giving him a deeper slash than the previous one as she jumped back sheathing her sword.

'Frost Breathing, first form: Frozen Scythe Cut; ....'

She released a single curve slash that reached the demon cutting him in half from his torso and even cutting several trees around them.

'.... Crescent Moon.'

The demon's regeneration speed has started to slow down.

"Blood Demon Art: Blessed Slash!"

He swung his sword downwards releasing a double slash that soon curved and formed into an 'x' shape. Kazumi leapt up dodging it as she land down and dashed forward ready to completely finish him.

'Frost Breathing, fourth form: Frozen River; Solid Cut.'

The demon moved his arms sending out several slashes towards her as she moved around encircling him and dodging his attacks. And without him knowing, his head has already fallen off from his body as he felt a freezing sensation. He tried to regenerate his neck but it has become frozen preventing him to do so.

"Now go to hell and have fun."

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