Chapter 122: Poison

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     Just as Nakime finally calmed down and now sitting up with Kazumi, all of the upper moons suddenly fell on their knees holding their heads as they groan in pain. Even the biwa went back to Nakime's hands by itself as she strum a single string opening one shoji door.

"Kazumi.... sama.... please.... l-leave....." Nakime stuttered that was then followed right after by a painful wail of theirs holding their heads.

"So I have to get close like this just to control you guys. How pathetic." A voice said as they all look upfront.

"You.... as expected, they are nothing but pawns to you." Kazumi replied as she stood up.
"How you doing huh, Shinjitsu?"

"I never expected for those memories of yours to come back that's why I didn't kill you back then. But still, those demons behind you are mine to take."

"Sorry but with the looks of it, it's a no."

Muzan frowned as he gritted his teeth and moved his right hand up with an open palm. As he slowly close it, the demons felt more pain as they cried even louder.

'Frost Breathing, 3rd form: Frosty Mist.'

As she drew her sword out, the whole room got covered in mist as the demons all calmed down and stopped crying. Some parts of the room also started to freeze up, even Muzan's clothes, but Kazumi and the demons with her all looked fine.

"My mist froze most of his cells in your bodies. Nakime-san, please leave this place with the rest." She informed them as they all stood up.

"But..." Nakime muttered out.

"This mist will also affect you guys later if you stay."

Muzan growled in anger as he dashed forward to them and Kazumi meeting him as she block his hands with her sword. The demons then stood up too as they went out of the room and into another part of the fortress. By the time they did, they jumped away from each other as she sheathed her sword back making the mist disappear clearing the room again.

"The strength of your breathing style didn't changed at all after all these years. No, I should say even after your death." Muzan spoke as his tentacles started to grow out from his back.
"I'll kill you here."

"Yeah, said by someone who got traumatized after a fight and even went after a kid just for having the same earrings as his enemy back then." She mocked him while still having a smile on her face and also made the watchers stiffle in their laughter.

And with his dark expression, he's clearly pissed. After that, his tentacles attacked her in an immense speed as she run away and dodged them. She cut off some of them but still regenerated right after and coming right after her. As they watch, they could see several parts of the room getting cut and torn down to pieces.

'Flame Breathing, 1st form: Unknowing Fire.'

She charged towards his tentacles in an immense speed releasing multiple flaming slashes that cut them all off as she then jumped up performing a single flaming slash that cut them again.

'Yes! She used our breath style this time!'
Shinjuro and Kyojuro cheered in their minds looking so excited and happy about it as the others look at them sweatdropping.

'Flame Breathing, 4th form: Blooming Flame Undulation.'

She moved her sword in a circular motion spinning it to deflect his tentacle attacks before dashing towards him again sending multiple flaming slashes. Seeing this, his arm tentacles and some coming from his thighs came out too to increase his attacks. But just as they all surround her, she disappeared from her spot reappearing right behind him.

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