Chapter 9: Three Hundred Year Old Sword

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     Tonight's the second night ever since Tanjiro started training with the doll and he hasn't eaten anything nor drank anything at all. He badly needs water. But as he train, Mitsuri came while Kotetsu's not around.

"Kamado-kun! I see that you're training!" Mitsuri called as she walk closer to him.

"Kanroji-san.... what are you doing here?" Tanjiro asked.

"I was hoping to see you again at the inn but you weren't there so I decided to look for you. I'm glad you're training." Mitsuri answered.

Tanjiro's stomach soon growled as he blush in embarrassment.

"Here, I got some rice balls." Mitsuri offered as she hand him one.

"Tha-Thank you, I haven't eaten nor drank anything ever since I started training." Tanjiro replied as he started eating.

"You're very hard working. I'm sure you'll get stronger in the future." Mitsuri also handed him her water gourd for him to drink some water.

"I will! I'll get stronger and help defeat Kibutsuji Muzan and turn my sister back to being a human! I would never give up!" He enthusiastically exclaimed as he finish his food.

"That's right! That's the spirit! As what Rengoku-san said...." Mitsuri agreed.

"Set you heart ablaze!" The both of them exclaimed in sync which was shortly followed by a giggle.

"I have to go now Kamado-kun! Goodluck with your training!" Mitsuri waved him goodbye as she disappear in the dark.

Tanjiro continued with his training, now that he's full and have stamina to move. He didn't tell this to Kotetsu fearing that he might get angry at him and stop the training. Because of this, after two days of training, the puppet's finally holding real swords now. Because of his increased stamina and the food and water Mitsuri gave him secretly the other night which saved him from not eating and the food he ate this morning, he's able to smell the incoming attacks of the puppet again. He's ready to give it his all now although his reaction time and reflexes are still slower than that compared to a Pillar.

The puppet has started hitting him from all directions as he gripped his sword tightly and deflected them all.

'Neck. Right chest. Left flank. Right thigh. Right shoulder.'
He thought as he dodge them and hit the puppet's left foot.

He then distanced himself again as he dodged more incoming attacks from the puppet. 

'Okay! Okay! I know where it's moving! I recognize its movements better than before! My stamina has increased so I can do it!'
He thought as he deflected the attacks with his sword.

He then jumped up and swung his sword in mid-air towards the puppet's head. But then, he suddenly hesitated thinking about the puppet breaking.

"CUT IT DOWN! I DON'T CARE IF YOU BREAK IT! I CAN FIX IT FOR SURE!" Kotetsu yelled knowing Tanjiro hesitated.

'Tanjiro-san, you can't be too nice. If you hesitate now...'
Kotetsu thought as he watch Tanjiro dodge a sword attack from under his head by lifting it up a little and having a bit of his hair cut.
'But honestly, I don't want him to die. Because he's so nice. I want him to become stronger than everyone else!'

By that, Tanjiro's attack manage to reach the puppet's neck as he twist his body and fall on the ground with his butt. Despite his attack reaching the puppet, the sword he borrowed snapped.

"Are you okay?!" Kotetsu asked in worry as he ran towards Tanjiro.

"S-Sorry, I broke the blade I borrowed." Tanjiro apologized.

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