Chapter 61: Akaza

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Tamayo's still stuck with Kazumi as Kazumi's still stabbed with the thorns too. But whatever Tamayo does, she just can't get out as thin roots stuck theirsleves from her feet to her waist coming out from the floor. The crow with Yushiro's eyes is currently hiding while keeping an eye on them as not to be seen by Kazumi.

"Seems like you're trying so hard to hold me here." Kazumi said.

Tamayo just groaned in pain as a reply as she still struggle to get herself out from the roots holding her.

"Unfortunately, it's no use." Kazumi smirked at her.

Kiriya and his siblings are still inside the room guarded by Shinjuro together with Sakonji. As the siblings continue on to draw, Kanata started to tear up remembering her mother and sisters.

"No crying. Don't ever stop your hand. We will not lose." Kiriya sternly said.

"Right!" Kanata replied as she continue on moving her hand.

"Kiriya-sama is quite amazing. He continues to instruct the demon slayers despite the fact that his heart is still reeling from his mother's death. He is making his own orders heard. Right, Rengoku-san?" Sakonji said starting up a conversation.

"Right. These kids at a very young age encourages me so much." Shinjuro replied.
"But then.... aren't you suppose to be the one to keep an eye on Nezuko?" He then looked at Sakonji.

"Yes I am, but the demon Tamayo brought an assistant of hers to be the one to watch over her." Sakonji answered as no one could really tell whether he's glancing back at Shinjuro or not because of his tengu mask.

"I see, what's her name?" Shinjuro asked.

"Kazumo, that's the name she told me. She has a tanned skin and a short red hair and brown eyes." Sakonji answered describing the looks of the lady Tamayo's with.
"Just when I thought everything's already in peace because Muzan had died, it honestly shocked me hearing Kazumi being the new threat. I can't believe that a child like her, would end up doing this." He continued.

"We all are shocked and speechless. But what can we do? This is the path she chose for herself."

'Thinking about the things from the past, seeing the huge difference of the Kazumi I know and the current, it's really such a great difference. It's as if the past Kazumi I know suddenly died without any traces as the new one appeared. I kept on wondering.... why? Why and how did things turn into these awful mess.'
Sakonji thought as he look up the moon.

     Kazumo's now sitting in a room as she watch over Nezuko sleeping peacefully after taking the medicine. She's now a human and not a demon anymore. It made her sad at first thinking that she wouldn't be able to protect Kazumi anymore but shortly, she accepted it.

'I see, I'm pretty sure I was sleeping so peacefully like this too back when I drank the medicine. The only difference is, this girl here received it by injection.'
Kazumo thought.
'I don't fully know what's going on or why is Kazumi-chan fighting them.... what I could only guess is that.... she's hiding lots and lots of things from everyone.'

Kazumo looked at the closed doors as she can see that it's still dark outside. She has nothing to do but to sit in that room and wait until Nezuko wakes up.

     Akaza stretched out his fist in an attempt to punch Tanjiro but just as he do so, Tanjiro jumped up and behind him dodging his fist.

"Hinokami Kagura, Fire Wheel!"

Right after jumping behind Akaza, he spun in the air releasing a flaming sword slash in a circular motion. His blade managed reach and cut Akaza's left arm off as he land on the floor.

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