Chapter 104: Future

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Their scene changed again as they saw Kazumi walking at each grave of the fallen slayers putting flowers on each one of them. As she do so, Yuki came who's also holding some flowers for Haru, Sora, Hiro, Nobuko, and Kuro's graves. As he finish up putting them with Kazumi, they both sat down for a while to rest on the stone staircase.

"Knowing you for quite a long time, I bet you're blaming yourself again. Just like with Haru's death back then." He said.

"I wonder, why do I always come late to save them? I.... always feel as if I'm not fast nor strong enough to reach them before it's too late." Kazumi replied.

"You're strong. Very strong. And if they're all here, I know they'll say the same thing. Especially Haru since he'll surely be the one to be so proud of you. And Kuro.... he'll surely keep on saying it's not your fault. In life, we really can't prevent losing the people we love and care about. That's the reality that we only have to accept."

"So, you already accepted your brother's death?"

"Well, I'm trying my best to accept it since it surely is not easy. We did almost everything together. And what hurts more, is to see his wife have to live a life of a widow and his unborn child to grow up without knowing his or her father. I'll be honest, I blamed myself too and wished it was me who died instead of him, but what can I do? It's not as if I could turn back time."

They all listened carefully. They felt so sad yet comforted at the same time hearing them talk. Silence took over them as they let the wind pass by them. Shortly, Yuki stood up as he pull her up too by her back collar.

"Come on, let's eat! There's a ramen shop that I know, my treat!" He offered with a smile as Kazumi sighed and smiled too following him.

"You can cook by yourself so what's the point of going there."

"Hah! Come on, I wanna try other people's dishes too."

As the two walk away, their scene changed again. Now Kaazumi's walking on the empty corridors of the headquarters when she suddenly stopped as a young man pass by in front of her and stopped facing her. They saw that it was none other than the Grand Elder's eldest grandson, Ubuyashiki Natsuko.

"Greeting to you young master." Kazumi politely greeted him with a smile and a bow.

"Well, isn't it the youngest Pillar of the corps, Momiji Kazumi. It's quite nice to see that you know how to greet someone of higher status than you formally." He said taking a step closer to her.
"It's such a shame for someone standing here incapable of saving another one right? Oh well, it's not like I'm expecting you to be that good either."

"My apologies for making your mood today go foul. If you may excuse me, I'll go meet the Grand Elder."

Natsuko sighed as Kazumi step aside and pass by him whilst he clenched his hands into tight fists and glare on her back. Despite sensing his bad aura, she kept walking away not minding him.

'What a pity. To be used by someone like a tool.'

Just that, she reached his room and saw him lying down on his bed. She sat besisde him as he smile looking at her.

"I'm glad you came to visit again Kazumi-sama." He spoke in a weak tone as if his throat is a bit dry.

"Grand Elder, please stop with such formality. Also, I came here again to give you medicine." She replied as she help him get up and drink the contents of the small bottle she brought before gently putting him down again.

It has been a year and three months since Kazumi started sneaking in medicine for him. The medicines helps him get a bit better and gives him enough strength to continue on his duties as the leader of the corps.

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