Chapter 95: Mess

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     As their scene changed again, they're now inside the kitchen as they watch Kazumi, Suzue, and Yasuko inside. They're all sitting down the floor facing the table with a bunch of food on it.

"Now eat." Suzue said as he look at Kazumi.

"Huh? Why?"

"Obviously because I cooked all this and so you two have to eat it."

"But.... this one look too spicy. And the meat in this one is half-cooked." Yasuko looked at each of the plate of foods he's mentioning.

"Just eat you two dammit!"

The two flinched a little as they both took their chopsticks while slightly trembling. Yasuko and Kazumi faced each other.

"Here you go Kazumi-chan~! This one's quite delicious~." Yasuko said as he give Kazumi a plate of half-cooked meat.

"Oh no Yasuko-san. Eat that and this one too. Since you're offering me food, why don't you eat first?" She said with a smile as she hand Yasuko a plate of curry that Yasuko mentioned to be too spicy.

Suzue grit his teeth watching the two push the plates at the other while smiling and talking to each sarcastically. He stood up as he look at them. The two gulped as they face him.

"I said eat."

Yasuko then grabbed his chopsticks as he stuff the meat into Kazumi's mouth.

"Yes of course! See? I'm feeding her." Yasuko said as he kept on putting meat in her mouth while Kazumi grabbed his wrist as she stop him.

'This traitor!'

She then pushed the plate of spicy curry onto his face as the food got spilled.

"MY EYES! MY EYES! DAMMIT!!!" Yasuko cursed as he stood up with his eyes closed.

Kazumi then started to get choked from the food in her mouth. She kept on patting her chest as the food won't come out. Suzue then started to worry as he kept on patting Kazumi's back.

"Throw it up! Hurry!"

'Suzue-san, my back's going to break! You're putting too much strength!'

As the three ruin the kitchen with Yasuko's yelling and running around and Kazumi still choking, Suzue grabbed her ankles as he lift her upside down moving her for her to throw it up.

Kanae sighed as she facepalmed herself while Shinobu massaged her temples. Muichiro and Yuichiro looked at them with their brows twitching as Tanjiro, Sakonji, Giyu, and Shinjuro sweatdtopped while the rest shook their head in disappoointment.

Shortly, a certain white haired man with an eye patch came in. He saw how dirty the kitchen has become and the three doing their thing. Behind him is Yuki who dropped the empty tray seeing how the kitchen turned into a mess. The three stopped as they heard that as Yasuko finally opened his eyes too after wiping his face. Suzue then dropped Kazumi on the floor as she started coughing and threw up all the food on the floor that Yasuko fed her earlier.

'We're all dead.'

The three walked close to each other as they stand side by side while feeling the aura of the two grow darker and colder.

"You three would just keep messing around when you guys are together huh." Yuki said coldly.

"What a mess. Seems like I have some children to discipline." Etsudo added as he crack his knuckles.

The three gulped down as they all started running out of the kitchen as they heard the shoji doors behind them got destroyed surely from Etsudo's punch. The two older ones chased after them as they all ran out of the hallway passing by the people there then outside the estate. Just then, Nobuko's wiping the floor of the veranda as he saw the three running to his way, Kazumi's on the lead.

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