Chapter 89: Feelings

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Their scene changed again showing Kazumi cooking with Sora. She's mixing the food in the pot while he's chopping the remaining ingrediants to be put.

"Is it finished?" Kazumi asked as she kept on stirring the food in the pot.

"Here." Sora handed her the plate with the sliced carrots and potatoes as she put it all in.

Sora stood beside her looking down the food. He looked like as if he's about to drool smelling the food.

"I'm really sorry. I'm so bad at cooking I didn't even help that much at all.

"That's alright. You still helped me by chopping the vegetables. Besides, how do you even eat if you're bad at cooking."

"Um.... you know.... I usually eat outside.... I do cook at home but only eggs and rice. That's how bad I am. I can cook the eggs perfectly but the rice would always end up getting burnt."

Kazumi sweatdropped hearing him as he show an awkward smile. Shortly, a lady came into the kitchen. She has a waist length black hair tied in a bun and blue eyes wearing a pink kimono and red hakama pants. She's Hiro's older sister, Mabuta Hotaru.

"Thank you for helping Momiji-chan and Tenshi-kun. The patients to feed are quite a lot today." She said smiling in relief.

"No worries Hotaru-nee. Besides, this is my first time to be here at Yuki-san's place. I didn't know three Pillars get to live together." Kazumi replied.

"Oh well, before my brother became a Pillar, we stayed here. I was taught by Yuki-sama with medicine so I could help tend the wounded slayers while my brother train to become one. My brother doesn't want to live away from me so he stayed here too even after being promoted to a Pillar."

"He's understandable, lots of guys hit on you so of course he can't just leave you. This is why being beautiful is not easy." Sora teased.

"Stop it Tenshi-kun! You're embarrassing me!"

Sora and Kazumi let out a light hearted laugh as they stop and the three of them get the food ready. Sora held five trays, two on each of his hands while balancing one on his head. Kazumi held eight, two on each of her hands and another four on her head.

"Momiji-chan, slow down! You can come back later to get some."

"It's alright Hotaru-nee, this way we can give the food faster."

Surprisingly, none of the two failed to deliver the food as they successfully reached the patients without any of the trays falling. Seeing this, Hotaru sighed in relief as she got anxious all the way from the kitchen to the patients' rooms. Especially watching Sora wiggle a few times as if the trays are to fall from his hands and head.

"See? I'm amazing right?" Sora said proudly pointing a thumb on himself as the three of them walk on the corridor after delivering all the food to the patients.

"Pssh, I clearly heared Hotaru-nee's heartbeat. She's clearly scared of your actions. I also heared the trays moving from your hands as if they're all about to fall."

"Hey! I was just joking at that time!"

"No you're not."

Sora then wrapped his arm around Kazumi's neck pulling her closer as he rub her hair in a mess.

"Oi! My hair's going to get messy!"

"You and Haru really love to ruin my confidence! Like father, like daughter!"

Hotaru laughed as she watch the two in front of her. Kazumi's hair ended up in a mess as Sora's side ended up aching from her elbow hits.

Now, the two are walking away from the estate as they go back to their own, Riku's walking beside Kazumi as she's the one in between. Kazumi faced Sora as she asked.

"Sora-san, if one day you get to retire from being a slayer, what would you do?"

"Well, if that time comes, I hope that'll be the time when all the demons of this world has been annihilated. If that happens then, I'll live a quiet simple life."

"You're not going to build a family?"

"Well, I don't know, it depends. I don't even know if the girl I like likes me back."

"Let me guess.... you got a crush on Hotaru-nee." Kazumi smirked.

"H-Huh?!" Sora's now blushing as they both stopped walking.
"D-Don't say such a thing!"

"You're really bad at lying."

Sora kept on denying as Kazumi laugh at him. Sora can't help it but blush the whole time at the mention of Hotaru's name.

"So what if I do?" He muttered out finally admitting it.

"For me, you two are a wonderful match. I wonder whose personality are your child or children are going to take after in the future."

"You know.... we can't really be sure of the future. I'm a slayer."

"Is that the reason why you're not telling her anything?"

Sora just sighed as he look up the orange skies with his hands on the back of his head. Kazumi could hear his sad sound as silence surround them for a short while.

"I admit, I want to live long enough to reach that future. I grew up with my parents always arguing in front of me and my siblings. So I promised to myself that, in the future, I'll marry the lady I love and loves me back and raise my children in a loving family. Because I don't want them to go through the same broken family as I did."

"I see." Kazumi faced up too.

"And for Hotaru, I do love her. Very much. Very much that I don't want to confess to her, because I'm afraid that, if I die one day, it might affect her from finding the one she loves. I know she likes me too, I could see it. But I don't want my death to be her burden from finding another man that'll make her happy in the future. If she's happy, then I am too."

The people watching couldn't help but to feel sorry for him and Hotaru. They could feel his emotions from those words of his. His feelings he wasn't able to tell to her. The feelings he kept to himself.

"Kazumi-chan, could you promise me something."

"What is it?"

"If ever I did die, don't tell her the things I've told you just now. But if she did confess that she likes me, please do tell her that.... it'll make me happier if she finds and falls for someone new other than me. And that I would always watch her and her family from the other side."

"Alright. I promise to tell her those."

Sora showed a sad smile as he pat her head before walking to the other direction.

"I'll go back home now! Take care on your way!" He walked away with his back facing Kazumi.

Riku just barked as Kazumi patted his head and hopped on his back.

'Such a cruel world we live in.'

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now about to enter Muzan's room with Misayo a bit further beside her when her crow landed on her left shoulder.

"Announcement, caaaw! Tenshi Sora, the Thunder Pillar has died in the hands of a major rank demon, caaaw!"

(A/N: So here's chapter 89.... sorry but it seems like I just made what I stated in chapter 79 to come true..... I'm f*cking crying.)

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