Chapter 84: Promise

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     Their scene has changed again as they're now watching Kazumi and the rest walking back to Muzan's place. The night has fallen yet they still haven't reached their destination. Just as they get nearer the village, they heard strange sounds coming closer. Kazumi knew these sounds very well but despite that, her smile never faltered.

"Please stay put." She said as the sounds get louder.

They could all now hear the growling sounds of something like that of an animal behind the bushes. Three demons showed up, their saliva leaking out of their mouths and to the ground. Kazumi instantly held the hilt of her sword as she dashed forward instantly decapitating the two and the other one. It's as if it's just a piece of cake for her as the samurais watch in amusement.

Shortly, a bunch of demons showed up from underground, a total of ten. Their upper bodies are human yet starting from their waist and down is a centipede. They're all growling in hunger showing their sharp saw-like teeth.

"I'll handle them, the rest may go now."

Upon hearing this, Muzan instantly opened his palanquin looking at her.


"Kibutsuji-sama, you need not to worry. The longer you stay here, the more your life would be in danger."

With those words of hers, the men moved forward as they leave her behind to face the demons. She held her sword tightly as she dashed forward dicing up a pair before jumping up and stabbing another one down the ground. She ran forward as she decapitated another one while stepping aside decapitating another who just came out of the ground attempting to grab her.

'Now I know why his scent was like mother's and why he sound so worried just now. It's because.... he is my brother.'

She again decapitated another as she spin decapitating three and finally stepping forward stabbing the last one on the neck before moving her sword to the side cutting its neck. The demons disintegrated, she ran forward to catch up with them.

'No wonder his sound was like that last night when he asked me about my mother.'

When the men saw her coming, they all stopped as they wait for her. She faced them giving them a thumbs up.

"Let's go! The route's safe now!"

They all resumed walking again until they reached the Kibutsuji Estate. Muzan stepped out as he face her, he's a bit covered in sweat as he sigh in relief.

"Were you scared back there, Kibutsuji-sama?" Kazumi asked facing him.

"Yes.... but not for myself."

Muzan then turned around as he walk towards the doors leading into his estate.

"Follow me."

With those words of his, Kazumi obeyed as the men moved the palanquin and went to their own chambers to rest. Kazumi just followed him in silence as they enter his room, there he signaled all the maids near it to go away.

"I'd like to talk about what happened last night. Our conversation. You told me, your brother was never able to write a reply to your mother."

"I did."

Muzan stayed silent as he grip on the blank paper tightly, crumpling it. His breath turned shaky as he became so nervous. This caused him not to notice Kazumi walking towards him and pat his head that made him look up to her in surprise.

"There's no need for you to force yourself. Take some rest and we'll talk about it by the time that you're ready." She said as she pull her hand back.
"Good night, nii-san."

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