Chapter 11: New Demons

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     The night has fallen and the Swordsmith Village has gone down to silence. Tanjiro's now inside an inn sleeping with Nezuko when Muichiro arrived and pinched his nose that made him wake up.

"Tokito-kun?! Is there something wrong?" Tanjiro asked.

"Well.... I just found this time as a right one to ask you something. How did you became friends with her?"

"Ohh.... well, because she's so kind and she accepted Nezuko so fast! I thought it'll be very wonderful to be friends with her! Especially the first time I saw her." Tanjiro answered.

"The first time.... you saw her?" Muichiro repeated.

"Yes! During that time, I was still training with Urokodaki-san. I was amazed when I saw someone smaller and younger than me during that time as a slayer. So whenever there's a chance, she'll give Urokodaki-san short visits and I see her. The both of us would always have short chats before she leaves again."

"I see. It really is wonderful to have her around."

As the two chat in the room of the inn, a lady with a long straight brown hair ending just above her waist is currently standing at the gates of the village. She has a grayish pale skin, she's wearing a long and beautiful kimono with a black color adorned with red spider lily flowers by the end and also her sash with butterfly patterns while holding a pipe. A man is also seen standing next to her with a black skin as his white hair is tied in a low ponytail ending just above his knees, he's wearing a blue kimono and a gray colored hakama pants with black stripes, the sides of his mouth that seemed to be cut is stitched close, a pair of horns sticking out of his forehead, and some white colored cracks showing on his forehead too.

"Mistress.... shall I go cause a ruckus now?" The man asked as his eyes with orange colored pupils and red scelera looked at her.

"Go now.... make sure to cause a huge one. And make it fast.... I don't like those filthy slayers seeing me." She replied as she puff out some smoke.

Right after that, the man vanished from her side as she's left there standing. She then turned around and went the other way as to hide herself and feast on some humans.

As Tanjiro and Muichiro were chatting, they were suddenly interrupted by a huge explosion outside nearby the inn they're staying at. The two ran out as soon as possible and saw several people running around.

"C'mmon. I'm just starting yet slayers already showed up." The demon said as he look at the direction of Tanjiro and Muichiro running towards his direction.

He then dodged an incoming attack from behind by jumping away. He turned around to see that the attack came from a lady with a pink and green colored hair. He smirked as he sees all three of them surround him.

"What a night. Three in an instant and even a demon." He said as he look at Nezuko growling angrily at him.

"How cruel! You're very unforgivable! Causing an explosion and killing innocent humans!" Mitsuri exclaimed.

"Tch. So what? They're all useless. I just came here to have fun with you guys and gather information." The demon replied as he smirk.

'His scent and his aura.... it's so sinister. All I could say is.... he's almost like an upper moon.'
Tanjiro thought as he smell the demon's scent.

Tanjiro unsheathed his sword that Haganezuka forged as he's still refining and sharpening the blade he found from the doll he broke. Muichiro then unsheathed his as he charged at the demon.

"Mist Breathing, second form: Eight Layered Mist."

Muichiro charged at him attacking him with multiple slashes on top of the other. As this happens, the demon instantly managed to dodge as he appear behind Muichiro.

"Too slow kid." He said before kicking him away on the stomach.

"TOKITO-KUN!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Love Breathing, first form: Shivers of First Love!"

"Water Breathing, fourth form: Striking Tide!"

Mitsuri dashed forward towards the demon with a series of slashes as Tanjiro moved at the same time with her twisting his body in a flowing fashion while sending his opponent a multiple series of slashes. Tanjiro's only able to slash his torso while Mitsuri managed to cut his left arm. Shortly after their attack, they saw how fast he just regenerated. As if their attacks were nothing at all.

"Come on, is that all?" The demon said.

'Fast! That means.... he's an upper moon! But how?!.... There aren't any writing on his eyes to indicate his rank.'
Tanjiro thought to himself gritting his teeth.

And in just a blink of an eye, the demon's right in front of him now. His face just inches away from the demon.

"Boy.... seems like you're wondering whether I'm an upper moon or not." He said smirking at him.

Nezuko then came in between them in an attempt to kick the demon but the demon was fast enough to jump away. Nezuko now has small leaf patterns around her body as she have transformed into an adult.

"Nezuko...." Tanjiro muttered out.

"Tanjiro-kun, are you alright?" Mitsuri asked in worry.

"I'm fine!" Tanjiro answered.

'If he's an upper moon, then that means we needed to attack him altogether.'
Tanjiro thought gripping his sword tightly.

"Let's think of an attack and send it all at once. We'll outnumber him." Muichiro said who just appeared back beside Tanjiro.

Mitsuri and Tanjiro nodded as they all charged forward.

"Mist Breathing, fifth form: Sea of Clouds and Haze."

Their surrounding got covered in mist as if to hide them as Muichiro charges towards the enemy at high speed unleashing a flurry of slashes. When the demon stepped aside and back flipped to dodge them all, Tanjiro appeared.

"Water Breathing, third form: Flowing Dance!"

He swung his blade at the demon in a way that mimics the movement of the waves. As his blade reach the demon, the demon jumped up to dodge.

"Love Breathing, third form: Catlove Shower!"

She leapt up as she unleashed a series of range arced attacks that managed to reach the demon successively and slash him. As he land down the ground with his feet, he saw Nezuko coming.

"Blood Demon Art: Dragon Claws."

His arms got wrapped up with hard scales as his claws grew longer and thicker. As Nezuko's right foot attempted to kick him, he caught it and instantly threw her away towards a house like a stick. He watched as he saw her get inside breaking the wall from the impact and force of his throw. Nezuko grunted as each and every bone in her body got crushed and takes her time to regenerate.

"NEZUKO!!!" Tanjiro shouted seeing how his sister just got thrown out as he look at the direction where the demon threw her.

"By the way, since I already heard your names let me tell mine. My name's Tatsu, and it's not very nice to meet ya guys." He introduced his self scratching his nape.
"Now let's all wrap things up, she's waiting."

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