Chapter 114: Karma

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     Now, Kazumi's in her room as she read the reports of the slayers she asked from Kagaya. Her doors leading to the veranda are open showing the garden and the beautiful night sky decorated with countless twinkling stars. As she finished reading them all, she sighed.

'None of the slayers came back from that port. And their crows managed to report a huge underwater creature that looked like a serpent. If my guess is right, I must say this one's a sea serpent reading how they described it. But with the kind of power Shinjitsu has now, that wouldn't be enough for him to summon something like that from the underworld or even create something like that out of a human.'

"Taro." She called as Taro walked in from the veranda.

"Yes Master! Caaaw!"

"Tell Kagaya-san not to send any more slayers to the south-eastern port where more than twenty slayers had been slayed. That includes the Pillars."

"B-But why?! The people there would get completely annihilated! Caaaw!"

"I'll go there myself." She answered as she stood up walking to her cabinet.

And just that, their scene changed again showing Kazumi getting off a train. As she walk in the crowd with her sword covered by her haori, she went straight to look for an inn first since it's still daytime. It wouldn't show up not until darkness enveloped the place.

As it's finally night, Kazumi's now sitting in a boat in the middle of the huge lake. She grabbed a thin bamboo stick with a thread at one end holding a huge piece of fresh meat. She put it underwater and shortly, the part of the water that the boat is placed seemed to slowly get darker and rise up. In just a second, a huge serpent came out of the water destroying the boat as Kazumi's in the air above it.

It's so huge and scaly as its mouth is full of two sets of sharp teeth in both the upper and lower part. As it head back down underwater, that alone caused a huge splash, the water almost reaching the port.

'Thankfully, this one's quite small.'

They all thought in sync.

Kazumi unsheathed her sword as she land down from above and set her feet on a huge piece of wood from the crushed boat. The serpent again rose up from underwater behind her as it face her down attempting to eat her. The serpent managed to do so as she enter its mouth.

'Frost Breathing, seventh form: Winter Hail.'

Shortly, the water turned dark as it got mixed with blood and the serpent coming up again growling and crying in pain as its body spurt out its blood and fall on the water afloat. Just then, Kazumi sliced a part of its stomach open as she come out there covered by its blue blood holding what seemed like a dark-blue colored core just as big as her hand. She then sliced it in half by the time she fully came out turning the dead sea serpent into ashes.

'This serpent.... really is from the underworld. But who would be capable enough to bring its core here in the human realm from the underworld? And here I thought I made a deal with them back in my first life.'

Their scene changed again showing Kazumi back in her room at the Frost Estate. As she's writing something on her journal, Mei came as she was easily seen by Kazumi because of her open doors as she stood on the veranda.

"Kazumi-sama, someone would like to meet you." Mei called stepping in followed by another young lady.

"Please sit." Kazumi replied stopping herself from writing.

The two sat down facing her. The young lady's wearing a kimono but her face is bruised and her hair is quite in a mess. Kazumi let her talk.

"Please.... help me." She started.
"M-My husband has been abusing me with his mother. I.... I can't stand them anymore."

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