Chapter 126: Hate

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     Their scene changed again showing Kazumi sitting inside the room where she once rested after her fight in the fortress. She remained sitted there drawing a bunch of maps on papers which are the parts of the fortress when Take came in panting.

"Master! Tsukika's been found!" He instantly blurted out.


"Yes! And that's not all.... she has the Pillars as captives!"

Right after hearing that, the brush she's holding broke into two as she grab Take and disappeared right after. In just a blink of an eye, they're all at a different place as they face the sea.

On the water, there stood Tsukika wearing a black kimono designed with red spider lilies by the end of her sleeves and the hem with the unconscious Pillars behind her tied up with ropes as each of them hang on a rope held by poles. Underneath them are a bunch of sharks ready to eat them. Kazumi's looking at her from the land in her human form.

"I don't remember this happening at all." Kyojuro said as he frown.

"Me too. How come this thing happened?" Kanae asked herself.

"You finally came Kazumi." She spoke out.
"I was just about to surprise you by sending their heads to you as a gift."

"Can't you think of a more appropriate plan aside from using other people as hostages?" Kazumi sighed.

"Oh please, don't talk like you can save them."

But right after Tsukika's words, the waters started to freeze as she instantly cut the ropes. But before their feet could even touch the waters, Kazumi has already put them all down on the frozen part of the sea as her sword's stabbed on it to keep it frozen. But then, there's still the last one placed on the furthest pole, Muichiro. As Tsukika's just about to get him, Kazumi managed to get him before she could even touch him. But as she come back carrying Muichiro on her shoulder and putting him down, her blood stained the ice as her left arm's been cut from above her elbow.

"Teehee. Will you look at that. How careless for Pillar like you to lose an arm before the fight." Tsukika smirked as she ate her arm as a whole.

"Losing an arm is worth it than losing a life. I won't let you kill any of them."

She stopped her bleeding as she dashed towards Tsukika. When Tsukika attempted to grab her, she disappeared appearing behind as Kazumi land a kick on her back that made her stumble on the ice and jump away. Tsukika kept releasing claw attacks on Kazumi as the other kept on dodging while landing kicks and punches on her body. When she tried to use a blood demon art this time, Kazumi again vanished reappearing behind her as she catch the sword that Take released from above.

"You—" Tsukika got cut off receiving a stab from behind her neck passing through her front.

As Kazumi distanced herself away, they saw her holding her old sword, the sword with the same style as Shinobu's. That instead of a blade, it's replaced by a rod as only the tip remained to stab and slash like that of an insect stinger.

'Insect Breathing, Butterfly Dance: ....'

She dashed forward as she leapt up dodging Tsukika's sashes then landing down to her giving her multiple stabs and slashes laced with poison.

'.... Caprice.'

Tsukika became so annoyed as she cough out blood from her attack.

"YOU DAMN WENCH! DIE ALREADY!" She cursed releasing multiple sash attacks towards Kazumi's direction.

The ice started to crack as it break revealing Kazumi who wasn't there anymore. She looked around as she saw her opponent attacking from her right side. As she grabbed the rod of Kazumi's blade, Kazumi lift up her right foot stabbing the blade from in front of her sandals into Tsukika's armpit. She gritted her teeth in pain as Kazumi followed it with a knee kick landing on her face making her realease the sword.

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