Chapter 35: Unusual

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After taking a bath, Kazumi's now in her room wearing a violet yukata and black hakama pants with her hair down. New bandages are now wrapped around her head as she sit on a cushion while in front of her are the three demons kneeling down too. Right after hearing the news of her coming back early in the morning, Aoki completely abandoned his work and rushed to the Frost Estate.

"I'm glad that you three are all here now. I just want to ask some questions." Kazumi said with her calm and gentle voice with a smile on her face.

"Please do then Kazumi-sama." Aoki replied.

"While I was gone, has the three of you done something to the Pillars?" Kazumi asked.

The whole room became silent as the three of them looked down guilty. Kazumi just sighed as she looked at them again.

"Don't worry, tell me. I won't get mad, I'm sure you three have a strong reason behind it." She said that made them look at her again.

"We.... showed the Pillars and some slayers about your past, Kazumi-sama. Your childhood and how you ended up becoming a slayer." Kai answered gripping his clothes tightly.

"We wanted to clear your name but we know it wouldn't be easy for us to convince them in just a mere talk. We apologize for invading your privacy." Fuji apologized, her mouth trembling.

"We already talked about this before I left. To just let them be." Kazumi said still with the same tone.
"About my memories.... did they also see it?.... What happened.... back then... with Tokiwa?"

".....We're sorry." Kai muttered out looking down.

Kazumi just took in a deep breath as she close her eyes and breathe it out. Her past she has kept hidden for years and not planning on telling or sharing it to someone or anyone has been revealed so easily like that in just a short time.

'I can't blame them. They only wanted to cleanse my name so they did that. It'll be so unfair of me if I got angry at them. I do understand .'
She thought as she walk over closer to them.

"Please punish us for doing such a thing! Punish us for invading your privacy and showing your memories to the others without your permission!" Fuji bowed down together with Kai, they're heads touching the tatami mat.

"Please punish us! A punishment is enough as long as we stay by your side! Please don't drive us away!" Kai begged.

The two demons are now crying as they bow their heads while Aoki stayed silent as he watch them with pity. Kazumi just knelt down as she hug them.

"Raise your heads for I am not worthy to be treated as such. I don't deserve such loyalty and respect you give me. I understand why the both of you have done that and I'm not angry at all. I won't punish you two or drive either of the both of you away." Kazumi replied as she hug them.

The two then raised their heads as they hug her back tightly and cry on her shoulders.

"We're sorry! We're so sorry for doing such a thing! We're very, very sorry!" Fuji repeated again and again.

"Shhh, it's alright now. I'm not angry, at least you two were honest about it instead of denying it."

'You're wrong Kazumi-sama, you deserve every ounce of respect and loyalty we give you. The love and attention we show you. What we don't deserve is your kindness and your understanding. The love and the patience you give us despite considering yourself as a numb person.'
Fuji thought as she hug her tightly.

Kazumi then looked at Aoki as he join the hug happily.

"We missed you." Aoki muttered out as he tear up too.

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