Chapter 92: Beat Up

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     They're now again at the garden of the headquarters. Nishiki and Kazumi are sitting together on the veranda under a shade. Nishiki's talking about his day and his time with his teacher.

"Hearing how you describe him, he seemed to be a strict person."

"Yes he is! He's way too strict! I feel like I can't even rest from studying with him around. It hurts my head."

Kazumi just chuckled as Nishiki kept on talking. She then faced to her right as she caught a sudden scent. There they saw a lady with a brown waist length hair walking a bit further from them. She's with a couple of maids following behind her. Kazumi kept facing her direction until she's completely off.

"If you're wondering who's that, she's my mother." Nishiki said looking at Kazumi.

"What's her name?" Kazumi asked facing him.

"Tsukika. My father died when I was just a year old so I don't really have any proper memories with him. My mother did took care of me but, grandfather was the one who often did."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

'For some reason, Misayo's scent.... has a bit of Tsukika-san's.'

The two kept talking until Kazumi has to leave again for her mission. She managed to reach a certain village before the sun sets. As she walk around with Riku, she heard a familiar voice coming from a certain place. As she got closer, she heard a commotion.

"Why should I pay?"

"Of course you should! Don't you know that this place is ours?! You gotta pay if you'll eat here!"

Inside they saw a certain green haired man wearing a brown kimono sitting down as he casually sip his tea with three men with honed and muscled bodies surrounding him. Those three were known around that village as they would go into random restaurants that they 'own' and would ask the people inside to pay for eating in there. The green haired guy remained calm despite one of the men grabbing a bottle of sake and pouring it down on his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, that guy's the Mountain Pillar, Utano Yasuko-san." Kagaya said.

"He is." Hanare replied squinting her eyes at what the three men, surrounding Yasuko, has been doing.

'I wonder how things would end up here.'

Kazumi remained to her position facing Yasuko's direction. He remained unbothered as one of them moved grabbing a lady who was just about to go out.

"Where do you think you're going?! You still haven't paid us too!"

The lady flinched and groaned in pain having her hair pulled back. The people around started to murmur watching the scene unfold.

"Go away! This isn't a play to be watched!" The other man shooed the people but Kazumi remained.
"Hey kid, I said go away." He repeated walking forward to her.

Riku growled showing his sharp teeth as he step in front of Kazumi. This made the man step back and spit on the ground in annoyance.

"You better let that lady go. Besides, this place is obviously not yours. I've heard rumours about you guys so stop." Yasuko said looking at the man holding the lady's hair.

"And how can you be so sure about that? Who the hell are you to talk like that?! You scum—"

The man got cut off when Yasuko threw his tea cup on his face breaking it. The man held his face falling on his back as his nose bled. The man holding the lady then walked back to him as Yasuko finally stood up and knocked him out with one punch on his face, that was the same man who poured sake on him.

"And you." He glared at the man standing in front of Kazumi.
"Get away from that kid."

The men looked up to him as it turns out, he's much more taller and bigger than them. The two started to shake as Yasuko effortlessly carry the uncoscious one over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and grabbed the two by the back of their collars and dragged them out of the restaurant. Kazumi followed behind as they walk away from the crowd.

"Since you guys don't know 'respect' and 'decency', I'll beat you three to a pulp."

The two men flinched from his words as they stop at a dark corner where there are almost no people walking around. He let them go and dropped the unconscious man on the ground making him wake up. He cracked his knuckles as he really started to beat them up.

Tengen covered his mouth with his eyes wide open while Mitsuri covered her face and parting her fingers a bit to peek. Tanjiro's expression turned into worry as he flinch at every groan the men let out as they got beaten up.

"Yasuko-san, at least let them get up and fight back."

"Nah, they're too weak for that."

In the end, they just watched as the two Pillars and Riku walk away leaving the beaten up and unconscious men in the dark corner. All three of them have a couple of their teeth on the ground and some broken bones.

"Yasuko-san, do you think those three would be alive?"

"Of course. It's not as if I stabbed them to death."

'You crushed a number of their bones!'

"But if that was Ohta-san, I'm sure one or two of them would've been dead."

"What do you mean? Is Suzue-san going to stab them?"

"No. As you can see, his temper is quite short. And also, he's born with such immense human strength, his muscle strength is ten times stronger than normal. That's why it makes me wonder, why he picked a shinobigata when he could wield a katana or something even bigger than a katana?"

Mitsuri covered her mouth as she gasp hearing those.

"Ten times. Waaah! He's so strong! Now I want to see him!" She squealed.

"I'm curious too. Especially knowing that he just got the same height as Kocho here." Tengen looked down at Shinobu.

Tanjiro gulped down smelling her anger as she look at Kanae still smiling. Kanae nodded as she lift Shinobu up by the waist in front of Tengen and pulled his hair.

"Don't make fun about my height. You gorilla." She said as she pull harder.

"Alright! Alright! Let me go now!"

Shinobu then lets his hair go as Kanae put her down. Tengen then fixed his hair gently combing it with his hand.

'She's quite harsh. I thought my scalp's about to get ripped.'
He thought.

They may not be able to read each other's thoughts but, Hanare could clearly read and hear it.

"Having such a strong human strength and a short temper.... Yeah, definitely a wrong combination."

Yasuko nodded in agreement with his arms crossed. He then suddenly flinched that made Kazumi face him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just remembered something."

"What was that?"

"You know, I once challenged Ohta-san in an arm wrestling and.... it didn't turn out that well. He told me after that, he used his full strength since he thought he'll lose because I'm bigger, but I didn't. He even crushed the table that we used."

Yasuko sweatdropped remembering that time as Kazumi faced her front.

'Defeating you and crushing the table.... that's beyond ten times of a normal human strength! It's not just ten! It's more than ten! Maybe twelve or even fifteen!'

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