Chapter 102: Trauma

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     Now they're watching as Kazumi's now back to her secret place and is walking towards a room. She slide the door open for a bit just to see the demon sitting on the floor at one corner instead of sleeping. He's hugging his knees close to his chest as he bury his face in between them.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" She asked crouching down in front of him.

He raised his head as he shook it in response.

"If those two were Kai-san and Fujikase-san, then this new one must be Aoki." Obanai said looking at the demon.

Kazumi then tried to pat his head when he suddenly shut his eyes close and flinched covering it. He then started to tremble. Kazumi sighed as she gently caress his head that made him calm down.

'If this is how he reacts, he must've been through a lot to be traumatized and react like this.'

Shortly, she came out as Fujikase walked to her.

"He's asleep now." Kazumi said.

"Judging from his looks, he must've been a newly turned demon. And now, he's basically traumatized. When I tried to touch his head to wash, it he would cover it and step away trembling. When Kai gave him new clothes, he just stared at it until he made him wear it. When I went to check on his food you gave him, he didn't even eat it, not until I told him that it was for him. But when he saw me holding a knife since I came from the kitchen and forgot to leave the knife to take his empty tray, he freaked out and suddenly backed away growling." Fujikase explained.

"It must've been really horrible for him. I do hope we all try our best to help him recover."

"Of course we will, Kazumi-sama."

(A/N: Ah, yes. That kind of formality, finally.)

Kazumi's now sitting on the veranda as she's facing up the night sky. She soon turned around as she face behind her. There they saw the winged demon hiding behind the shoji doors looking at her.

"His actions kinda reminds me of Kanao-chan. She wouldn't do anything if she wasn't ordered to do so." Kanae said.

"Come sit with me. The night sky's quite beautiful tonight."

The demon then slowly came out as he sat down beside her. He then scooted a bit closer to her.

"I'm glad since it seemed like you're slowly getting better. Say, do you perhaps remember how old were you when you became a demon?"

".... S-Sixteen.... I-I'm still in the s-same age u-until now." He stuttered as his voice is almost in a whisper.

"Wow! You finally talked! How come you didn't talk to us at all these past few days ever since I brought you here?"

"W-When I talk.... t-they s-slap me.... w-when I eat t-they kick me."

"How awful. Even it affected the way you speak. Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Kazumi said as she pat his head smiling at him.
"We'll be your family now."

Her words seem to have reached deep within him as they saw how his eyes lighted up and he, without any hesitation, hugged her as she did the same.

"T-Thank you."

"No worries! Here, we'll treat each other as family."

Shortly, they separated as the demon still stayed beside her.

"Do you remember your name?"

".... B-Bastard, that's w-what they c-call me.... I.... d-don't re-remember any n-name."

"Then I'll just give you one! Fuji-san told me how you looked like, she told me you have blue eyes so.... hmm.... how 'bout Aoki? You like that?"


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