Chapter 53: Transformation

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Kazumi's now in her room with the upper moons as they chat. While talking, she stopped as she look at her closed doors leading out of the veranda. Seconds later, Fuji opened it.

"Kazumi-sama! Emergency!" Fuji blurted out in an instant.

This alarmed everyone as they react whilst Kazumi stayed calm as she just stood up and grabbed her sword.

"Everyone, please stay here for a while and guard the estate. I have some business to do." She just calmly said with a smile before she vanish on the veranda with Fuji.

None of them were able to say anything, even Kazumo, as they all sat there in silence.

"Let's just do what she said. We can't let our guard down." Nakime said as she slide close the doors that has been left open.

Aoki tried to fly up in order to look for them but the trees and roots kept on trying to stop him blocking his way. He would use his exploding feathers but the part where his feather destroyed kept on getting restored.

'If I keep on doing this it'll only drain my energy. I guess I have to look for them while walking and using my senses.'
He thought as his wings slowly turned into ashes and disappear.

Kai and Natsuko are now fighting, as they fight from one spot to another spreading the damage they cause but getting restored as they leave. As the dusts get slowly blown away, it showed Kai and Natsuko huffing standing on their feet.

"Getting tired now aren't we? Do you really think you can defeat me?" Natsuko proudly blurted out as he look at Kai.

"We're just both getting exhausted. This kind of Blood Demon Art consumes a lot of energy." Kai replied as he wipe the blood off from his mouth.

Just then, a group of snakes suddenly emerged from under the ground as it wrap theirselves around Natsuko releasing acid from their bodies that burnt him. He then cut them with his whips but he wasn't able to dodge Kai's upper cut and drop kick from above. He instantly moved his whips to cut him but Kai dodged and grabbed his left whip and threw him against several trees. He managed to free himself after cutting Kai's arms in which he still managed to regenerate.

'I knew from the start that I would lose in a one-on-one battle with him. But with these, fighting means finding out his abilities, his strength, and his weaknesses.'
Kai then got whipped from the back sending him rolling on the ground.
'Even if I die, I could still send all of these informations back. With the information reaching Kazumi-sama, I'll be able to rest assured that the plan would be a success even if I'm gone.'

"See that? Your loyalty to her is what's going to kill you. If only you've given up in the first place you won't have to suffer like this." Natsuko said as he watch Kai stand up from the ground.

"If I die because of being loyal, that's better than living my life being a coward and a traitor like you and your aunt." Kai spit out some blood as he look at Natsuko.

Natsuko only got angry at his words as he sent harsh and fast whip slashes towards Kai. He received most of it as he dodged and deflected some of it. He then attacked back as he come face to face to Natsuko and spit a huge amount of his venom right on his face. Natsuko screamed in pain as his whole face, neck, and chest got burnt and melted, even showing his internal organs and bones. His regeneration isn't as fast as the first period of his fight against him and Aoki anymore. He then felt a hand grab his head and shove him down the ground.


"Huh? You deserve it though." Kai coldly replied and jumped away.

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