Chapter 123: Anger

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     Kazumi's now standing with an additional two more slashes on her back as Muzan's panting away in front of her. Both sides of her head has started bleeding reaching down her face. The room they've fought at is in complete ruins and even the other rooms surrounding them. They broke the first room as they moved in this other room to fight.

"Great.... now I can't even explode to escape." Muzan muttered out.
"Even this annoying brother of yours keeps getting in my way."

Right after his words, his right tentacle instantly moved slashing his face as he has to control it again and regenerate.

"I should thank him for helping and annoying you." Kazumi replied.

"You're really a fool. What is it that keeps you staying like that? Protecting those who betrayed you and those who wished for your death. Why? After all the things those humans had done to you in both your lives.... you're still foolish and stupid enough to protect them."

"Because I wanted too, that simple. And asking me like that is like asking why mother had not killed you back then."

He regrew his tentacles back again as he appear right in front of Kazumi releasing an attack that she dodged jumping away and hiding behind a rubble. He clicked his tongue going after her but as he do so, he felt a slash on his back that made him look behind and attack her.

"Is that all you got now?" Kazumi smirked.

"Not at all. I have one last thing."

Just then, the floors and rooms above them broke and a number of demons came out of them and the floor they're standing on broke making him jump away to another platform leaving her to fall. But as she do so, she gritted her teeth looking up to the demons falling down to her too.

'What a petty last move to escape. A coward will always be a coward.... let me borrow this form of yours for a while Sora-san.'

'Thunder Breathing, Secret form: .....'

"What?! I never heard of such form!" Zenitsu exclaimed.

Bright yellow colored lightning started to showed up surrounding her as her feet land on a falling rubble and look up. And in a blink of an eye, she leapt up forming several zigzags and on each beheaded a demon as she move higher and higher.

'.... Godspeed; Hundred Fold.'

With that form, she managed to slash all of the demons in a matter of seconds before falling down again and landing on the platform where he went to leaving her behind. As expected, they saw him running away as she put herself in a familiar stance.

'Flame Breathing, ninth form: ....'

She held her sword tightly with both her hands as flames erupted from her spot hugging her form as she dash forward to her enemy.

'.... Purgatory(Rengoku)!'

As she managed to reach him, she slashed his left arm off thrusting her sword into his back through his abdomen then twisting it as she swung it up to his head cutting him in half before she land another slash across his back cutting his tentacles off and a final slash cutting his head off. As the debris around them subsided down, there stood Kazumi with her sword at hand and behind her is Muzan on his knees with his head on the ground. His wounds didn't regenerate at all as his body just started to crumble.

"You weren't even serious yet you still defeated me.... how?" He gritted his teeth in anger and frustration of losing.

She didn't respond at all as he kept yelling at her while putting her sword back to her scabbard.

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