Chapter 23: Journal (pt. 1)

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     Mitsuri's currently walking around town now as she search for a restaurant to have a little snack. As she's on her way to the usual store she usually goes to for a snack, she saw a familiar person walk in. She smiled brightly as she enter too. There she saw Kyojuro take a seat at an empty table.

"Is that all you wanted sir?" The waitress asked.

"Yes." Kyojuro replied.

As Mitsuri's about to walk towards him, she saw him take out a book from his satchel. This made her curious.

"Rengoku-san! Good morning!" She greeted as she approach him.

"Kanroji! Morning to you too!" He greeted back.
"Come join me here!"

Mitsuri then sat in front of him as she give her order to the waitress too.

"What food did you order Rengoku-san?" She asked as the waitress left.

"Some sweet potatoes as usual and a tea to go with it!" He answered lively.

"What's that book? It's the first time I've seen you bring one with you." Mitsuri asked as she look at it.

"Oh this? It's actually a journal of my ancestor. I just took it with me for me to read whenever I got free time." Kyojuro answered.

"Does that mean that journal's been hundreds of years old?! Amazing!" Mitsuri praised.

"Right! That's why I wanted to read it to know what's written inside! It's actually very rare to find one like this neatly preserved and kept nicely." Kyojuro said as he open it and started to read.

Shortly after that, their orders came as they started to eat. Mitsuri got her sakura mochis as Kyojuro got his sweet potatoes. He ended up chatting with her while eating, instead of reading while eating. After their short snack, they have to take on their separate ways to their missions. As he walk on the road, he found himself alone as he stop and look inside his satchel.

'Should I.... really wear it?'
Kyojuro asked himself in his mind as he touch the haori.
'No! What if a slayer saw me and ask me?! I'll be in trouble! No I can't be in trouble.... it doesn't look the exact same way as hers right?'

He then finally pulled out the haori as he stood there holding it. He stared at it shortly before taking his cape off and folding it neatly putting it in his satchel before wearing his other haori. By the time he wore it, he hugged himself as he smile from ear to ear with his eyes closed with a slight tint of red on his cheeks.

'Waaaah! This haori really feels different from my cape. And just by looking at it really reminds of Kazumi-sama! It feels so soft and smooth too!'
He mentally praised.

Unbeknownst to him, someone's behind watching him hug his self. Kyojuro didn't notice this as he kept on daydreaming.


Kyojuro stiffened up at the sudden call of his name from behind. He slowly looked behind to see the person who just called him. It was none other than Uzui Tengen, the Sound Pillar. Kyojuro turned red from embarrassment as Tengen just laughed at him.

"S-Stop it! Nothing's funny at all!" Kyojuro mumbled as he turn his back from him.

"Your ears are red, even your face! Ahahahahaha!!!" Tengen kept on laughing.

After that, the two walked side by side with each other as Tengen managed to calm his self down. Kyojuro still has a slight red on his cheeks as he's now wearing the haori.

"So Rengoku, where did you get that?" Tengen asked looking at the haori.

"Oh.... um.... I got it from my ancestor's chest box! It look so good despite it being old so I decided to keep it! It feels so nice too!" Kyojuro answered.

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