Chapter 101: Medicine

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     Kazumi kept running as she finally reached the place and opened the doors of his room. There they saw Nakime sitting down in the corner trembling as she cover her face with her hands and a dead body on the floor. They also saw Muzan standing up while holding a knife as Kazumi shut the doors close. Thankfully, no one's near enough to hear his growling in his room and the sunlight's quite dim as the heavy clouds started to gather indicating an incoming rain. The knife slipped out of his hand as he loosened his hold and jumped at her tackling her down the floor.

"Nii-san! Please stop! Stop it!" She begged him as she used her left arm to cover herself.

He kept on growling as he bite harder.

"Nii-san, please! I don't want to hurt you! Please get back to your senses! I'm begging you!"

He kept on growling and biting harder when he soon stopped seeing blood drip down her face. He slowly opened his mouth as he sat back up. Upon fully coming to his senses after a few blinks, he saw Kazumi sat up with a bleeding arm.

"Ka-Kazumi." He muttered out as he rush back to her.

Kazumi just hugged him as he hug her back while Nakime seemed to calm down a bit seeing that he's back. But shortly, he lost consciousness as he fell limply on her arms. She catched him as she and Nakime carry him to his futon to sleep. Kazumi also took a bandage out as she wrap up her wound.

"W-What should we do? How about the corpse?" Nakime asked still trembling.

Kazumi faced the doctor as she took her blinfold off and opened her eyes. They saw how her eyes changed as they now have a black scelera and her red plum and violet eyes seemed to be glowing with slanted pupils. She can see, but everything is just in a grayscale, a sight of no color at all. She crouch down as she put her hand on the doctors face with her long sharp nails. As she do so, the doctor's corpse seemed to have turned to stone as it started to have cracks and disappear into ashes, even his blood disappeared alongside him.

"Sorry, if you have to watch me do such a thing." She apologized to Nakime as she face her with her eyes covered with her hair.

Nakime looked at her with pity and to her arm that wasn't even healing. She stood up as she slowly walked towards Kazumi and cupped her face with her soft hands. Kazumi then slowly lifted her right hand and put it on top of Nakime's hand.

"Are you scared?"

"I am. But I know, you're different, Kazumi-sama." Nakime answered truthfully as she hug her while Kazumi hug her back.

After a short while, Muzan woke up as it has started raining already. He saw Nakime sleeping on the corner as Kazumi face him.

"You're awake."

"Stay away." He muttered out.

"Nii-san." Kazumi tried to reach her hand out to him.

"I said stay away!" He repeated facing her.

"Nii-san, please listen—"

"I've hurt you already! I attacked you and injured you! Aren't you suppose to be scared of me now?! That's why—" He got cut off when Kazumi grabbed him by the collar and gave him one powerful slap.

"I said listen to me! You kept on blabbering nonsense!" She then grabbed his collar with both her hands as she pull him closer.
"Scared?! What do you think of my job as a slayer?! A joke?! So what if you injured me?! So what if you attacked me?! I'm fine! I'm fine here compared to you who got turned into a demon with Shinjitsu's blood!"

Muzan just looked at her speechless as she let go of his collar and sat down while he rub his left cheek that has turned red.

"Ouch.... That's one crunchy slap. It sure hurts enough to make him shut up." Tengen clicked his tongue as he held his left cheek.

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