Chapter 4: Come Back

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They all looked at the three demons as if wanting to ask something as Amane left. Fuji raised an eyebrow to them.

"Talk morons! I'm not a seer to know what you wanna say!" Fuji snapped.
"I swear everyone's stupidity will be the death of me." She sighed massaging her temples.

"How do you know Oyakata-sama's wife?" Gyomei asked.

"Master told us of course. Are you thinking the three of us are Muzan's spies?" Fuji answered.

"No." Gyomei replied.

"Liar!" Fuji nearly slapped him if not for Kai stopping her.

And just as that, the next day came. They all got theirselves ready and even Kanae was given a box similar to Nezuko's made by the kakushis last night. She wanted to go with the slayers to the Frost Estate and the headqurters so the three made it last night.

"Don't worry nee-san, I'll carry you." Shinobu said.

"But I might be heavy." Kanae replied.

"Trust me."

Kanae then shifted herself into a child and entered the box. Shinobu then lifted it up and carried it.

"Master, is it heavy?" Kanao asked.

"Not much, I can manage." Shinobu answered honestly.

Taro then led them out although the three demons are with them. Just as they get closer to the Frost Estate, they saw Uyeda sweeping outside instead of Ringo.

"Good morning everyone." He greeted.

"Is Ringo inside?" Kai asked.

"*gulps* Y-Yeah.... but I-I think they shouldn't go in yet." Uyeda answered as he look behind Kai.

"Why, is there something wrong?" Aoki asked.

"You see last night, Nahori-chan was rushed back here severely injured. Her crow said she faced an upper moon at the region of the Mist Pillar, Tokito Muichiro. Until now, she's still unconscious." Uyeda answered in a low voice but they still all heard it.

They were all surprised as to hear her survive after an encounter with an upper moon and saddened as they also heard her severely injured. Muichiro then felt a little sad and guilty.

"Don't worry, we'll explain to them the reason behind their absence." Kai said in reassurance.

Uyeda just sighed as he led them inside. As they enter, they saw Mei coming out. She instantly glared at them.

"It's still early in the morning and I didn't expect myself to suddenly have a very awful mood." She said glaring at them not moving from her spot.
"If you're here to ask for Master she still hasn't come back."

"Actually.... we're here to explain what really happened for their sudden absence. Please calm down." Fuji replied walking closer.

Mei just sighed as she invite them all in. They went inside the living room where the Pillars would often gather with Kazumi whenever they visit back then. They were expecting for Ringo to come in fuming in anger but she didn't.

"Where's Ringo?" Fuji asked.

"She just left to go to the headquarters. She has to report what happened last night in Nahori-chan's place." Mei answered.

The doors around the living room were closed while Uyeda stayed guard not to let anyone inside or near it.

Kai and Fuji explained to her what happened. How the both of them put the slayers under a dream with a blood demon art and see Kazumi's past. Mei understood as she calmed down a bit but still angry to them.

"Sorry, I know that's my region and Nahori-san got injured because of my absence." Muichiro said looking down.

"Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not angry that Nahori-chan came back injured, it was her choice to protect the people at that place. She could've ran away to save herself from getting injured or worst, dying. I'm angry because of how you and everyone treated Master for such a mere misunderstanding." Mei explained.
"Nahori-chan's alive and that's the thing that is most important to me. But as a mother, yes, I got very worried for her."

And just as that, they bid farewell again to go to the the headquarters. Although, Tanjiro and his friends wouldn't be able to go with them, including Kanao since all four of them aren't Pillars. They ended up having to go back to the Butterfly Estate instead while Shinjuro and Senjuro went back to their home. Upon arriving at the headquarters, they all sat down the tatami mat inside their meeting room waiting for Kagaya. After a minute of waiting, Amane showed up with her younger twin daughters, Kuina and Kanata.

"Good morning to you and your daughters Amane-sama." Gyomei greeted as they bowed down except for the certain three people sitting aside.

"Me too, I'm glad everyone's finally back." Amane replied.

Kai and Fuji did the explaining again and it ended up well. Unbeknownst to them, Kagaya, his twin older daughters and his only son, and Ringo are just behind the closed doors behind Amane listening to them too. Well, for the demons, they already know it.

"So may we ask?" Sanemi asked raising a hand.
"Where's Oyakata-sama?"

"I see, so you've known that too." Amane said sighing.

She and her daughters stood up as they step aside. The doors were then opened by Hinaki and Nichika as Kagaya and his son and Ringo stepped out. Kagaya knelt down the tatami mat as Amane did the same beside him. Their children then knelt on the sidelines as to listen too. While Ringo sat down the veranda outside holding Take with her back turned from them.

"I see that Fujikase-san and Kai-san has shown everyone of you a lot. I'm also honestly glad to see Yuichiro and Kanae join us this time." Kagaya said with his usual calm and gentle tone.

"We're also glad to be finally present here with the others Oyakata-sama." Kanae replied.

"And also.... I'm sure you've known a lot of her past more than I do." Kagaya added.

They all nodded in agreement. Kagaya just sighed as he close his eyes.

"She's the type of person who is very secretive and would keep everything to herself. And I do believe, you already know who was the person I once said I highly respect."

"We do. Oyakata-sama.... do you know where she is now?" Kyojuro answered.

"Well, Take's back." Kagaya replied.

"Why does it look like that's a problem Oyakata-sama?" Shinobu asked.

Ringo then spoke without facing them as she kept a hold of Take.
"That's the problem.... Take would never come back from a mission without Kazumi-sama."

Everyone's eyes went wide as saucers as they all look at Ringo's back. The three demons just looked down, the same with the Ubuyashiki's.

"He.... always comes back.... with Kazumi-sama."

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