Chapter 2: Aoki

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     Ringo's now in front of Kagaya to report for she and Nahori chose to take the place and designated regions of the Pillars when Kagaya found out they weren't present there. Ringo's now wearing a corps uniform with an orange haori fading to red, her hair still tied in a bun fastened with the same flower hairstick. Nahori's also wearing a corps uniform and the haori she gave to Kano as a gift back then.

"Thank you again for filling up their places while they're gone. Although, I suppose it's such a trouble since it's only the two of you." Kagaya said with his usual calm and gentle tone.

"We apologize for their sudden absence that you two have to take over their places." Amane said kneeling beside her husband.

"Tch. Don't thank us, we did this for Kazumi-sama. Besides, I'll give them an earful once they're all back." Ringo replied crossing her arms.

"Mother's supposed to join us but no one would be left to take care of the estate so it's only the two of us. So no need for thanks Kagaya-sama and Amane-sama." Nahori replied smiling at them.

"Has Kazumi-sama sent any letters to anyone of you yet?" Kagaya asked.

"No. We still haven't received any ever since she left for the Train Mission and went after the upper moon." Ringo answered sighing as she close her eyes.

"None of us know when she'll come back since she didn't tell us anything." Nahori said having a sad expression.

"I see. We sent some slayers to the forest where they said she was last seen. Up until now, there are no reports of her or any demons around there. Let's hope and pray that on the very least, she sends us a letter." Kagaya said looking down.

'Taro, you're back.'

'Oyakata-sama, I came from the the Frost Estate and Master wanted me to tell you something, caaaw!'

'What is it?'

'She said sorry.'

Kagaya remembered the conversation he had with Taro, Kazumi's crow, during the time he came back from the Frost Estate as he was back from the Train Mission. He couldn't help himself but to worry and expect for the worst.

"Oyakata-sama?" Amane called tapping his shoulder.

"Ah.... yes, sorry for dozing off." Kagaya replied as he look back up to Ringo and Nahori.

"I also checked on Tamayo, she's now currently working on the poison for Muzan. Even her did not receive any letter from Kazumi-sama." Ringo informed him.

"If that's all, you two may leave now." Kagaya said.

Ringo and Nahori nodded as they walk out of the room and out of the estate. The two remained silent as they look ahead while walking.

"Ringo-san.... how long do you think the Pillars would stay at that place?" Nahori asked.

"I don't know myself. But they better come back fast, especially that cocky serpent and scarred bastard." Ringo answered gritting her teeth.

'I shouldn't have asked.'
Nahori sweatdropped.

'I wonder.... it's been more than two weeks since Kazumi-sama left and there's only two days left for Tetsuya and the rest to stay at the estate.'
Ringo thought looking up.

     As the night falls, the slayers all started to wake up again. Despite their long rest, they all look exhausted. When the doors suddenly slid open by a certain someone.

"Glad you guys are awake!"

They all looked at the person who just opened it. He has a short blonde hair, blue eyes and is wearing a plain blue turtle neck sweater, white slacks, and black socks.

"Who are you?" Obanai glared at him.

"Calm down there young man." The man replied with a closed eye smile as he vanish from his spot.
"Besides.... I should be the one glaring at you now." He whispered on Obanai's right ear.

Obanai felt a sudden cold in his spine as he felt the man's sharp long nails beside his neck. He gulped down as Kaburamaru's being held by the head preventing him from hissing and attacking.

"Stop it! Who the hell are you?!" Sanemi blurted out in anger.

The man's blue eyes then glowed as he glare at Sanemi, his eyes are now like that of a cat. He then let go of Kaburamru's head as he stood up and walk away from Obanai.

"Are you perhaps a friend of Fuji-san and Kai-san?" Kanae asked frowning a little.

"Yes I am. But they are more like my seniors." He said as he then opened the doors leading outside and sat on the edge of the veranda.
"I'm Aoki." He continued with his back turned from them.

"Then.... do you also serve Kazumi-sama?" Kyojuro muttered out.

"Heh. Kazumi-sama.... did I just hear you right, chicken?" Aoki said as he look at him with a smirk.

"Watch your mouth when you're talking to Rengoku-san! Even if you're a demon who wouldn't kill us, I won't hesitate to fight you!" Tanjiro exclaimed frowning at Aoki.

"Wouldn't kill?.... Listen here you pathetic little boy, I could just kill everyone of you right here right now. And I'm sure Fuji-san and Kai-san could do the very same way. But as much as we respect Kazumi-sama, we prevent ourselves from doing so." Aoki replied glaring at him.

They all gulped down at the way he just talked. It's cold and threatening unlike how he greeted them when he came into the living room with a bubbly and cheerful tone.

"Just how much do you know about her?" Giyu asked looking at him.

"How much? More than what Fuji-san and Kai-san showed you guys. All three of us know a lot about her, even her plans. And all I could say is that.... you all should be thankful she didn't choose to become a demon." Aoki answered turning his back from them again and looking up the night sky.

"Of course she wouldn't.... besides if ever she did—"

"You'll kill her. Yeah, right. That's why I hated you guys more than anyone." Aoki said cutting off Shinobu from her words.

"We do understand how much you hate us for what we did.... but perhaps, could you explain further?" Gyomei said.

"Explain what?"

"On how we all should be thankful that she didn't became a demon."

Aoki stayed silent for a while before he stood up and walked back in. He then looked at everyone as he could see how eager they are to know his answer. He then walked towards Gyomei and stood in front of him.

'He's blind but his senses are sharp.'
Aoki thought as he just attempted to stab Gyomei's eyes with his two fingers but Gyomei caught his hand.

"What do you think are you doing?" Shinjuro frowned.

"Nothing, just testing. She's right, you really do have sharp senses. You may let go now." Aoki answered as Gyomei lets go of his hand.

"Now answer." Gyomei said.

"Simply because Kazumi-sama could just surpass Muzan."

His answer made them tense up. They all gulped down and looked down. Aoki then sighed as he sat down in the center.

"She's the type of person who could be the greatest friend yet can be the most dangerous foe. Even Muzan has started to target her lately, why? Because she annihilated almost each and everyone of his lower moons, the formers and the currents. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't thought of Kazumi-sama becoming a threat to his own plans."

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