Chapter 5: New Missions

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     As they all sat there in silence, the Pillars stared on Ringo's back wide eyed. They were all speechless.

"Master said she's fine but she still don't wanna let anyone know about her whereabouts." Take said which managed to calm everyone down a bit but not the three demons who didn't show it.

If only the Pillars aren't with them and the Ubuyashiki's, all three of them would be balling their eyes out of crying. They stayed still and silent before standing up and walking towards the door.

"We'll go back to the Frost Estate now. You guys can handle yourselves from here." Fuji said as the three of them walked out.

Ringo shortly stood up too and is about to leave when Mitsuri suddenly questioned her.

"A-Are you sure?" She stuttered.

"Why? If Master died, would any of you slayers really care?" Ringo asked coldly looking back at them with an expressionless face before completely walking out.
"Don't worry.... none of you guys have to blame yourselves."

"I'm sorry, I myself couldn't also confirm whether she's still alive or not. But my family and I are still praying and hoping for her to come back alive." Kagaya apologized as he look sadly at them.

They all stayed still and silent as they look down. Yuichiro then glanced at his brother beside him and saw him crying while gripping his pants tightly.

"Muichiro...." he muttered out.

'Please.... not yet.... we still haven't apologized to her. Please....'
Sanemi thought as he kept a hold of his tears which shortly failed.

"I know this is sudden but, we can't stop at doing what we should...." Kagaya said.
"As what Kazumi-sama said back then, there's an upper moon within the Red Light District. I would like to send both Tengen and Obanai there together with Agatsuma Zenitsu and Hashibira Inosuke." He continued.

The two mentioned Pillars looked at him seriously as they nod.

"Understood, Oyakata-sama." The two replied.

"And also, Mitsuri and Muichiro together with Kamado Tanjiro at the Sowrdsmith Village. I would like you three to perform an investigation there for the sudden disappearances of the people there." He added looking at the two Pillars he just mentioned.

The two looked at them with teary eyes as they quickly dried it and nodded in response.

"Kanae would take over Obanai's region for while as he's out, the same with Yuichiro to Muichiro's region while Ringo-san would be the one to take care of Mitsuri's." Kagaya said.

After that, they were all dismissed and got theirselves ready for the mission. All the four Pillars went to the Butterfly Estate with Shinobu to pick up the ones who'll join them. As they arrive, they saw the three boys sitting on the veranda silently.

"Hey." Obanai called which made the three turn around and look at them.

"Get yourselves ready! We're all going to a mission!" Tengen informed them.

"Sorry but, Oyakata-sama assigned Zenitsu-kun and Inosuke-kun to join Iguro-san and Uzui-san to a mission to the Red Light District. While Tanjiro-kun with Kanroji-san and Tokito-kun." Shinobu explained.

"Bu-But, I don't have a sword." Tanjiro stuttered.

"Then that's alright! We'll be in the Swordsmith Village anyway. So we can ask your swordsmith to forge one for you." Mitsuri replied.

"Wa-Wait.... isn't the Red Light District.... are you telling me we're going to fight an upper moon?!" Zenitsu freaked out.

"Well yes, so you better be useful together with your friend. I don't wanna disappoint Kazumi-sama when she comes back and Oyakata-sama because of the both of you." Obanai replied as Kaburamaru hissed at them.

Upon the mention of Kazumi's name, Zenitsu suddenly stopped freaking out and nodded in response.

"Alright! We'll make sure to defeat it! Upper moon six!" Inosuke exclaimed as steam came out of the nostrils of his boar mask.

"Yes, that's right!" Tengen agreed.

As they walk out of the Butterfly Estate, they all walked together in the same path. Zenitsu could hear Mitsuri talking about a hot spring at the Swordsmith Village and how fun it is to bath with friends. This made Zenitsu envy Tanjiro.

He mentally exclaimed.

Shortly, they all have to take their separate ways. Tanjiro has to wear a blindfold as Muichiro carried him since the village is a secretive place. He even has to wear nose plugs.

"Why are we here?" Inosuke asked as the four of them stopped by a nearby Wisteria Inn.

"You two have to change in order for us not to be suspicious and also, to spy around. We gotta look for my wives first to ask them for information." Tengen answered.

Tengen then looked at Obanai with a smirk.

"Hell no! I won't be disguising myself with those clothes and make-up!" Obanai snapped at him.

"Come on, you'll look flamboyant." Tengen said still smirking.


After Tengen and the two boys changed, they all made their way into the district. Obanai separated his self from them to check on the other part of the district. As they walk, Tengen sold Inosuke(Inoko) to the Ogimoto House where one of his wives, Makio, infiltrated. He then gave Zenitsu(Zenko) to the Kyougoku House where one of his wives, Hinatsuru, infiltrated. After that, he started to roam around the district to look for the whereabouts of the demon.

'If the demon's acting as an oiran, then she'll be inside one of the houses.'
Tengen thought as he walk past the crowd.

     Mitsuri, Muichiro, and Tanjiro then arrived at the Swordsmith Village. By the time they arrived, Mitsuri went into an inn while Tanjiro and Muichiro walked up the forest.

"Um.... Tokito-kun, you seem to be very familiar here." Tanjiro said.

"Yes. I'll be heading to train for a while somewhere, you can go up the hot spring there." Muichiro replied pointing at the way up in front of them before taking a turn himself.

Tanjiro's left there looking at him. He then noticed the sky slowly getting dark now so he decided to go up and to the hot spring. By the time he arrived there, him and Nezuko got into the water and seemed to be enjoying it.

On the other hand, Muichiro's training with a puppet who has six arms and each of them holding a sword. A child with a clown mask stayed still at the sidelines watching him while holding a key used for the puppet.

'He has been training for quite a while now, isn't he tired?'
The kid thought.

'Ringo-san said Take never comes back without Kazumi-sama.... but I still wanted to hope and expect.... To hope that she's still alive and to expect her to come back.... Please.... come back.... alive.'
Muichiro thought as he focused even more at attacking and defending his self against the puppet.

I know that both these missions took months to happen and are even so far apart so, I'm sorry if it confused any of you since I wrote it as two missions of the same time. And I'm sorry if it seems like it's rushed but, I've got a plan.

🐷: Author-san.... we needed the MC where is she, oink?! Where's Kazumi, oink?!

🕵️‍♂️: I know, I know.... just wait.... well.... if you can wait.

🐷: I CAN, OINK!!!

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