Chapter 99: Kai

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     The sun has risen up as Kazumi has to pull Kai to the part of the cabin where no sunlight would reach him as she also cover him with her haori to act like a blanket. The corpses of the family lie there lifeless and in a mess. Riku also lied down beside Kazumi as she's sitting on the floor while the demon's head rest on her lap.

'What a mess. Maybe I should've just done it cleanly. I wonder how mother would react seeing me do such a thing.'

She might be understanding and forgiving but her method of punishing is the most terrfying as they could clearly see, it's a completely different side of her. Someone who's ready to slaughter a human family while sparing a demon she's supposed to kill as a slayer.

'Of course as your mother, you've done well! You just gave them what they deserve! Mother's cheering for you!'
Hanare thought blushing with a bright smile on her face as the others look at her sweatdropping and stepped a bit further looking scared knowing she's happy at what her daughter had done.

She sighed as she hold the back of her neck. After hours of waiting, the demon soon groaned as he started to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up just to see Kazumi. This surprised him as he reacted by suddenly sitting up and facing her.

"Good morning. Although I can't see it, I feel it's still two hours away before noon." She greeted him with a smile.

".... G-Good morning." He greeted back as he face the corpses.

"Do you remember what happened? If so, there's no need to feel sorry."

"I do and also, I don't plan on saying sorry at all. I just wanted to apologize to you since I also remember that I tried to attack you."

"Don't be, it's normal for demons."

Just then, they heard several people have already gathered around the place. Even those outside started to come to their senses and wake up.

"Can you shrink?" Kazumi asked as she stood up.


"We need to get outta here. But no worries if you can't." Kazumi then tapped his forehead with her right index finger as he instantly turned into the size of a baby who's a year old.

Kazumi covered him with her haori as she ran away by getting out of a window leading to the back of the cabin which is a forest. As their scene changed again, they're all back again in her secret place putting the demon down and tapping his head with the same finger. Thankfully, the sun has already set so he's safe. Just as Fujikase came to see her, she saw the new demon.

"Who are you?! And what're you doing here?!" She freaked out as she jumped away from him and started growling.

"Calm down Fuji-san, he's just like you. I found him and brought him here." Kazumi explained.

Fujikase slowly calmed down as she walk back to them.

"As you heard, I'm Fujikase and she's Kazumi, who are you?"

"M-My name's Kai. Don't worry, I don't mean to bring any trouble here." He answered.

After waking up, his hair has turned into their normal form revealing a fully brown hair color while his skin stayed in a pale grayish color with his yellow eyes with slanted pupils. Little snake scales are also present on the left side of his face and at the right side of his neck. He's wearing a dirty and ragged pale blue yukata ending just below his knees.

Fuji sighed as she massage her temples. Kazumi could sense that she's quite uncomfortable and so is Kai. He sweatdropped when he suddenly felt himself getting pulled from the back collar of his yukata.

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