Chapter 49: Cry

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     The others continued to wait in the living room as they all pray for the safety of Akiko and her child and for Kazumi to be able to help her in labor. Tomoe's continously sweating out of nervousness as he clutch both his hands together tightly. Just then, the midwife arrived.

"I'm here, shall I go to Akiko-sama now?" She asked as she look at them.

"No need, someone's already there in your place." Toshino answered.

Her answer shocked the midwife as she can't remember anything about Tomoe and his wife getting a midwife other than her. She then excused herself out of the room as she walked towards one of the servants.

"Do you know another midwife coming here?" She asked in a whisper.

"No, I just know that the one inside is the sister-in-law." The servant answered back in a whisper.

"S-Sister-in-law? I.... I thought Lady Akiko's an only daughter and Tomoe-sama only have brothers." She stuttered.

She couldn't believe it as she stayed outside to wait for the so called 'sister-in-law' to come out.

     Kazumi's now slowly pulling the baby out from Akiko's stomach as Akiko's now on the brink of losing consciousness. Right after Kazumi pulled the baby out, she gently pat the thigh as she cradle it on her arms despite the blood. The baby then cried as Akiko fainted.

"Hold the baby." Kazumi handed it to the servant as she crawled beside Akiko.

The other servant started panicking as she can't feel any pulse anymore. Kazumi couldn't hear any of it too as she started chest compressions. Despite this, she stayed calm.

"Akiko-san.... Akiko-san please wake up." Kazumi called as she do chest compression on her.
"Your baby's out.... didn't you want to hear your baby cry?"

Akiko remained unresponsive as there's still no pulse. The servant has also finished tidying up the baby as she wrap the child with a clean blanket.

"Look, the gods made your wish come true, it's a girl. It's a healthy baby girl Akiko-san." Kazumi kept on doing chest compressions.

The servant checking for her pulse started to tear up and so is the other one holding the baby.

'I still haven't stitched up the wound yet. But if I do that before this, she'll surely die.'
Kazumi thought.

Just then, Kazumi heard a pulse as Akiko opened her mouth a little to breathe. She then opened her eyes tiredly. Kazumi stopped the chest compression as she held Akiko's face.

"Is.... is my baby.... alive?" She asked in a whisper.

"Yes, yes she is." Kazumi answered.


Kazumi then looked at the servant as she put the baby beside Akiko who started crying.

"How cute.... don't worry, mother's here.... I'm here.... I won't leave." She whispered to her child as it slowly stopped crying.

"Please get some clean clothes for Akiko-san and clean blankets too." She looked at the two servants as they instantly went out of the room.

Kazumi then stitched up her opened cut and cleaned it. She also cleaned the blood on the floor with some towel and the bucket of water put aside. After a minute, the servants came back as they dress up Akiko carefully and transfer her to another clean futon. The two went out again carrying the dirtied ones.

"Tomoe-sama, you may now go into Lady Akiko's room now." The servant who came informed them.

Tomoe instantly stood up as he rushed to his wife's room. He took a deep breath first as he calm down and slowly slide open the shoji doors. As he enter, he saw the exhausted Akiko lying on her futon with their baby beside her and Kazumi kneeling down the floor.

"Congratulations Tomoe-nii, it's a healthy baby girl." Kazumi congratulated him.

He then sat on the right side of Akiko's futon as he held his wife's hand and put it on his face as his tears slowly brim down his face.

"Are you alright? You did well, our child's out now." Tomoe cried.

"This pain's nothing compared to hearing our child cry.... I'm happy." Akiko cried tears of joy.

Kazumi then stood up as she walk towards the door to give the family some time alone.

"Thank you for your help." Tomoe thanked her as Kazumi halted.

"No worries, I just did what I have to." Kazumi replied facing them with a smile on her face.

Upon coming out, she's greeted with the other members of the family.

"How was it?" Toshino asked.

"Don't worry mother, they're both alive." Kazumi answered.

"That really scared us. How does it feel doing such a thing? You looked so calm as usual." Suzuki asked.

"Well, this isn't the first time I've done this. This is actually the third time." Kazumi answered.

Shocked expressions showed on their faces right after hearing her answer. They couldn't believe that a child like her already did such a thing.

"Th-Third? You mean this is the third time you cut open a woman's belly?!" Shu stuttered.

Kazumi just nodded that made him gasp and cover his mouth.

"Miyuki? Miyuki is that you?!" The midwife asked who just came to see who took her place.

"I'm sorry, I'm her daughter. My name's Kazumi." Kazumi answered as she slightly bow.

The midwife gasped as she walked closer to her and held her face moving it from side to side. She also moved up her hand on her forehead moving Kazumi's front hair up showing her forehead and her scar.

"Thank the gods, thank the gods she actually managed to give birth." The midwife hugged Kazumi.

"I see that you know my mother." Kazumi said as she hug the midwife back.

"Of course I do! I was supposed to be the one to help her in labor back then!" The midwife replied as she pull herself out from the hug and hold onto Kazumi's shoulders.

The midwife then glared at Tetsuya who in return, looked away sweating coldly. Kazumi noticed it.

"The baby's healthy and all. No complications nor any kind of illness. You may want to see the baby later after Akiko-san get some rest." Kazumi informed them changing the awkward situation.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Touya asked in excitement.

"It'll be better for Tomoe-nii to be the one to answer that."

     Take then came flying inside as he landed down the floor. This surprised the servants and the midwife as Tetsuya and his family remained calm.

"Master, a demon's been located outside." He informed her.

"Sorry, I have to leave for a while." Kazumi apologized.

Tetsuya's about to speak when Kazumi rushed out already and Take following right behind her.

"A demon? Tetsuya-sama, what's the meaning of this?" The midwife asked.

"They are creatures who devour humans in order to live and survive. And as for Kazumi, she's a part of this organization called Demon Slayer Corps who are responsible for eliminating them." Tetsuya answered.
"And that's no joke at all, they risk their lives fighting and protecting other people and their own. And I honestly wish for her to come back safely."

"What the...." The midwife muttered out.

The servants who heard this and the midwife now have an expression of fear and worry on their faces. Even the two who accompanied Kazumi during Akiko's labor.

     Kazumi's now near the gate of the village as she saw a figure appear and walk inside. She stopped running as the demon stopped walking too. He has a long purple colored hair like that of a wisteria flower ending just above his waist as his red plum eyes, similar to that of Muzan's, gleam looking at her. He's wearing a red kimono with a blue belt and a silver colored haori. He then smiled showing his sharp teeth as he then spoke out.

"My, my, I didn't expect you to be here at all, Kazumi."

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