Chapter 116: Dying

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     As their scene changed again, it showed them Kazumi who just got out of a room as she took her mask off covering the lower part of her face. She sighed as she sat down for a moment on the chair put aside. Just then, Mei came out too.

"Kazumi-sama which vacant room should we place the patient?" Mei asked.

"To the west part as usual, just like where we put the patients who were operated back then." Kazumi answered as she stood up.

Mei nodded going back inside as Kazumi turned around to walk away. After taking a turn and a few steps, she started to lean on the wall. She also started sweating as the wound on her left hand that's wrapped with bandages started bleeding too.

"That wound on her left.... that must be the one she got from holding my sword." Sanemi muttered out.

She kept walking as she take small steps while she started sweating. She then closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath controlling her breathing as she slowly stood up straight. She stopped sweating and her bleeding stopped too as she open her eyes.

"Mama, is there something wrong?" Ame asked from behind her.

"Ara~, I didn't notice you to be there Ame." She crouched down to his level patting his head.
"Don't worry, mama's fine as always." She smiled patting his head with her right hand.

"But your face is drenched in sweat."

"Ah, it's because I just finished something important and it's quite hot today."

Ame seemed to be covinced by this as he later on ran towards the other children calling him to play. Kazumi then continued to walk away as she enter a room which is her office. As she sat down her chair and open her book to read, blood bursted out of her mouth and to the pages of the book as some also dripped down her clothes from her mouth. They all looked so shocked at this as their eyes widened and their hands started to shake. She put a hand on her mouth looking at her blood covered palms. Instead of expressing fear and confusion, she chuckled and smirked as she put her arm on the arm rest leaning her back on her chair and sigh.

"Will you look at that. I'm getting worst." She scoffed as she grab some tissues wiping her mouth and the book.

"Master, I'm here with another order of medicines." Ringo called from outside.

"Please just leave it there. And also, please do get a bucket of water and a towel for me. Thank you." Kazumi replied as she throw a bunch of used tissues in the bin.

"All this time.... All this time she's...." Shinobu stuttered.

"Dying." Hanare finished.

"Was this because of the poison that has been circulating in her body?" Gyomei asked.

"Yes. The poisons has been taking a great toll on her body. And seeing this, it only indicates how her body's slowly deteriorating due to the poisons in her system and add up the exhaustion her body suffers from. In short, even if she had not done that thing, of letting you guys kill her, she would still die. She's dying from the start."

After a while, Ringo knocked on the door as Kazumi opened it a little. But instead of leaving just the bucket inside, Ringo instantly came in herself seeing the smudged blood on Kazumi's face and clothes.

"Sorry. Seems like I've been found out." Kazumi smiled sheepishly as she scratch her nape.

"Please.... go take a bath, I'll clean up here." Ringo replied as she hold her tears back.

"I can do it."

Ringo stayed silent as she look down clenching her clothes. Kazumi then sighed as she gently held Ringo's right hand and left the room.

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