Chapter 132: Kazumi's Letters

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     They all went back to their own places with their letters at hand. Upon reaching home, they all opened it to read for theirselves.


     Thank you for leading the corps despite the curse that has been making you and your family suffer. You're such a good father figure to them despite being quite strict to your own children, I appreciate that. I hope that in the future, the time the demons are gone, you'll be able to enjoy your time with your own family. Sorry to put you in slumber though, but I guess that's better than physically hurting you."


     I'm sure you can read this on your own now that you can see. I honestly looked up to you like an older-brother. Thank you for trusting a child like me, and sorry to break that trust. But I hope, you'll be able to trust children even more in the future because I know, not everyone's the same. And about your past you told me, I may not know what they exactly thought but, seeing how kind and caring you are, I'm sure they died trying to help you. And even if it feels awakward, I do like it when you carry me on your shoulders, I feel like a real kid."


      Hey there last shinobi, hahaha! You're lucky to have such wonderful wives that get along well, I do hope you won't get a fourth or they might not like it. Also, please stop being such a flirt, I mean.... you know, going around several ladies when you have wives waiting for you. Thank you too for being such a childish adult, it's fun watching you act like that. And I apologize too for what happened to you, on how Mei-san beat you up. "


     I'm glad to see you in good terms with your brother Genya. I know that being aggressive to him was to protect him but I'm happy to see you change after our talk. Sorry for sticking my nose in that time, I just want you two to have a good time before it's too late. And also, please don't be so hard on Giyu-san, you and Obanai-san always give him a death glare. Oh, and I get to hear from Kanae-san that you two are close, I hope for the both of you to get closer in the future."


     Don't worry, I didn't tell Mitsuri-san anything about your feelings for her, it's safe until my last breath hehehe. I know how hard it is for you to trust other people after what you've been through, I'm sorry to be one of those people who broke it. I do hope that Kaburamaru live long to accompany you. And also.... I support you! Go and tell Mitsuri-san your feelings! I'm sure you'll be such a good and deserving husband to her."


     Hello there! I know I told you that we'll tease Shinobu-san together in the future for teasing you everytime she sees you, but I know it'll never happen. It'll be fun to see her reaction though. Also, I hope you'll be able to open up to more people and befriend them. You look good smiling so smile as much as you can, who knows, you'll be able to attract your future wife. Kidding aside, I do hope you won't have to hate yourself anymore and distant yourself from other people. Again, smile!"


     I was so happy to be able to save you back then, I thought I'd lose you breaking my promise to Aiko-san, to watch after you and your sister. You're quite affectionate that I got to see you as an older-sister. I'm also glad how you pity the demons, even that very demon who nearly killed you. Sorry to hide you from the others for a long time, you might've thought I felt ashamed to show you but no, I never did. I do hope you'll be able to finally live a normal life with Shino-san and Nao-chan."


     Sup for the one who asked my child if he ever wanted a father. Yes, they told me. Hideshi-kun told me you secretly asked him whether he would like to have a father telling me you wanted to ask for my hand, Ringo-san heard him saying it to me and nearly went to your place to beat you. I fortunately stopped her though. Please, not me, go search for a better one who can live long with you, I'm not interested at marriage. Sorry. But, it's wonderful how you still stayed as a very kind and appreciative person after what your father had once become. I'm happy to see you treating your brother and everyone in a good way. Sorry to reject you though, I can't live long after all, hahaha!"

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