Chapter 93: Affair

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     It's night time already as Kazumi walk towards Muzan's room and opened his doors with force making a sound that startled him. He looked at her with a worried expression before she closed the doors and sit in front of him.

"You've got some explaining to do young man." Kazumi crossed her arms.

"W-What is it? Have I done something wrong?" He stuttered.

"Misayo. You told me you know her real identity. Now start talking."

"Why are you suddenly telling me that?"

"Please, nii-san."

Muzan sighed as he put down the book he's reading. Kazumi waited until he finally spoke. She sat in front of him with her arms and legs crossed.

"You see, our father had an older-brother. Both him and father has black hair and violet colored eyes, almost as if they're twins. They both died together during their trip back here from their business trip. A few days after that, Misayo appeared."

"This morning, while I was at the headquarters, I manage to caught a certain someone's scent. Turns out it was from Nishiki's mother, Tsukika-san. Misayo.... has a bit of her scent."

Muzan flinched a little as he let out a long and heavy sigh before looking back to his sister.

"And here I thought I could keep it a secret from you." He muttered out.
"By the time Misayo showed up, she showed up with Tsukika. She claimed that Misayo's my missing sister after our mother's disappearance. I know our mother was pregnant before leaving but I didn't know how long she's been pregnant. Looking at Misayo, it seemed to have convinced everyone because of how young and small she look."

'Tsukika.... I see that she hasn't changed at all.'
Hanare thought as she close her eyes and sigh.

"Just by looking at her, even if I haven't received a letter from our mother about you yet, I don't really feel like she's my sister. For me, she's nothing but a mere stranger. So I did some investigation."

"And what did you find out?"

"Misayo is Tsukika's daughter with our uncle, our father's older-brother. Turns out Tsukika had an affair with our uncle and got pregnant with Misayo. She disappeared for a while when her pregnancy's slowly getting noticed and upon giving birth at Misayo, she hid her and came back as if nothing happened."

"So you mean, Misayo's the half-sister of Nishiki?"

"Yes. She's our cousin. And I really hate it." Muzan rested his head on his arms on the table as he sigh in frustration.
"It gives me such a headache knowing that fact. I believe Nishiki's father know that when he was still alive but kept it a secret too, that his wife had an affair and bear a child of another man. I swear that lady almost ruined both families."

Kazumi remained silent as she shake her head and sigh too. She lied down on the floor facing up silently.

"Damn.... I didn't expect my doubts to be true. This is a mess."

"Yeah.... literally a mess."

"I didn't expect the problem to be this complicated." Kagaya massaged his temples.
"I wonder how Nishiki-sama handled the truth when he found it out."

"I wonder too. But, did he managed to find out or no?" Kyojuro replied.

Kazumi groaned a little as she roll on the floor back and forth that Muzan watched her with an open mouth and a worried expression. He then bit his bottom lip as Kazumi kept on rolling.

"Ka-Kazumi.... why are you like that?! Is something wrong?!"

"I'm having a headache too! This is such a mess! How is the grand elder going to react when he finds this out?! I don't know what to do! I'm sure even Nishiki would be devastated!" She stopped rolling as she lie on the floor with her belly and fling her feet up and down.

'So, she can somehow act like a child like this.'
They thought watching her.

Hanare looked at her worried as she soon sat up and sighed. She then scratched her head.

"You know, I'm thankful you kept that a secret."

"It's because I pitied her son. That boy's trying his best to be the next leader of the corps and has a personality that's completely opposite of his mother's and Misayo's. Dammit!"

"You're right. Nishiki.... he's trying his best to be acknowledged and praised by his mother yet.... Tsukika-san doesn't seem to care at all."

"Just to think of it, both of them are such fakes. Tsukika acting like a very good person in front of me.... for what?! Win my favor?! As if!" Muzan leaned his head down the table as his hands grab a handful of his hair.

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now sitting beside a river with Riku sleeping beside her. She then threw a stone into it as it sank down.

'Secrets.... hidden but are meant to be uncovered someday or another. How long can such thing be kept?'

She then lied down beside Riku as she rest her head on his stomach. She sighed as she place her hands on her face.

'Even nii-san said that up until now, he doesn't know who was the one behind our father and uncle's death.... and yet I can't let myself stay close to him all the time. If anyone started to doubt us, it'll be nothing but trouble.'

She shortly let her hands slide down her face as she face up the bright blue sky above her.

'Mother.... I wonder how you'll handle such situation.'

The slayers' eyes soon glanced at Hanare whose eyes are pinned to Kazumi. She sighed as she look down.

"Seeing this.... her memories, makes me regret so many things. If only I've thought of a better way to protect my family other than leaving my son and husband behind, things would be a lot more different."

"Let's go, I can't waste my time like this." Kazumi said finally standing up followed by Riku.

The two started to walk away and into the forest to their next destination. Their scene changed as it's night time now. They saw the demons disintegrate around Kazumi as she sheathe her sword back. Just then, a figure showed up from behind her. He has a short pale purple hair and gray skin, his rank written on his forehead in red as his blue colored eyes look at Kazumi. He's minor rank one. He's wearing a red tattered kimono fastened with a black belt as his right hand holds a human arm he's feasting on.

"You must be a Pillar seeing you defeat them just like that." He said as he took another bite on the human arm.

"Finally, you showed yourself up." She replied facing him with a smile on her face.

"Seeing you closer just amazed me more. You're blind but your senses aren't."

With just those words, he gobbled up the whole remaining arm as he smiled and dashed towards Kazumi. He attempted to punch her chest but she dodged as she stepped aside and jumped away.

'He's holding back.'

Kazumi landed on her feet as she soon unsheathed her sword to block his fist.

"What great reflexes! Now you're just making me more interested on you."


The demon then slide his feet down attempting to swift her off balance as she flipped back and block his fists again.

"The way he fights is similar to Akaza's. They're both using their bare fists and feet." Giyu said.

"Let's wait. As what Kazumi thought, he's holding back." Obanai replied.

Kazumi then dashed forward this time sending him several slashes which the demon all deflected until he attempted to deflect her last slash that she held her sword in a reverse grip and slashed his fists and held it back in the original way slashing his chest deeply. He smiled as he jumped away and punched the ground making several debris rose up and the ground to move. He moved in an astonishing speed as he appeared right behind her.

"You're wide open!"

He sent his fist out attempting to punch her head to crush it but she bent her knees down and twisted her body to the back slashing the demon's side making his organs spill out.

"You're the one who's open."

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