Chapter 69: Fireworks

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     Their surrounding changed again as they're still in her room. The room's now clean as Akaihime's now sitting down properly dressed. As she's alone in her room, she played the shamisen to pass some time. They watched and listened to her play it, her expressionless face didn't change at all, but they all felt the sad tune she just played. They felt as if she just turned her unsaid words of loneliness into that very tune she played.

Shortly after that, Sachi came with a very bright smile on her face as she hurriedly sat beside Akaihime who then looked at her as she put the shamisen aside.

"Akaihime-oiran, have you heard?" Sachi asked.

"About what?"

"Tonight, they'll hold a fireworks display. It'll be performed in the capital. While I was walking outside, I could see the excitement of many. Mostly the ladies."

"I see, do you wish to go?"

"Eh?! I'll go if I can take you with me. But with how strict that woman is, she'll surely say no."

Sachi then huffed crossing her arms now behaving like an upset child. Akaihime just looked at her before looking outside her window.

"Don't worry, we'll see it tonight for sure." She said as she look back at Sachi.

Sachi's eyes then widened as her frown turned into a wide bright smile again as she hug Akaihime.

"Waaaah! I'm really happy! I could finally see the fireworks with you Akaihime-oiran!" Sachi then separated herself looking happily at Akaihime.

"Well.... you look so happy about it. There's nothing special about seeing it with me."

"Of course there is! You're like a sister to me and you even treat me as one too! I also know your secret! And you're always stuck here in this room so I'm happy you could finally go out even if its in secret!"


The slayers happily watched the two as Sachi kept on hugging Akaihime who soon smiled. They saw her smile for the first time that it even added up more to her beauty.

"Well, she's more beautiful with a smile. She should smile often." Tengen said.

"Do your really expect a child like her to smile often after all these?" Hanare raised an eyebrow at him.

".... Right.... sorry." Tengen scratched his nape as he look away from Hanare's murderous glare.

Just then, their surrounding changed again as the day has turned to night time. They watched how Sachi and Akaihime got out of the room through the window as they step foot on the veranda. Akaihime then suddenly carried Sachi on her back as she run and jump on to a rooftop and to another one until they stop on one and Akaihime dropped her there.

"Woah! You're really amazing Akaihime-chan! Now we could see the fireworks closer from here!" Sachi happily praised her as she look down and to her.

"The fireworks will be lighted up shortly, I could already smell some smoke." Akaihime replied as she look ahead.

Shortly after she said that, the fireworks were lighted up one by one as they flew up the sky and explode. Their explosion might be loud but the fireworks are truly beautiful.

'She look so happy.'
Akaihime thought as she look at Sachi beside her who's watching the fireworks with a very wide smile and a satisfied look on her face obviously enjoying it.
'Maybe one day, the both of us could leave this place.'

Akaihime's eyes then looked up to the fireworks. She watched it as a smile slowly showed up on her face. The slayers watched too as they enjoy the fireworks.

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