Chapter 85: Sister

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     Kazumi's now walking towards the Kibutsuji Estate after her brief chat with the Grand Elder. As she enter the estate, a lady approached her with servants following behind her. She has a long black hair lose behind her reaching above her knees as she's wearing an elegant looking and  beautifully layered kimono. Her violet pair of eyes looked at Kazumi.

"Who are you?" She asked as Kazumi faced her.

"I'm Kazumi, Kibutsuji-sama has requested for my presence."

The lady looked at her from head to toe. She then stepped closer and looked at her intently.

"And why would my brother request for a blind person's presence?" She raised an eyebrow.

'.... Huh? Brother, what? I don't remember having a twin or mother having another child. Not even a trace of our mother's scent is within her.... Oh well, not my problem.'

"Hold up! She's letting that go easily?! H-How?!" Tanjiro exclaimed.

"So you're saying you want my daughter to attack that fake, mindlessly making her look like the bad person? Hell no! I didn't taught my daughter to grow up like that!"

"Well.... you died early so—"

"Yeah, said by someone who abondoned his own brother behind and even bad mouthed him giving him a huge chance of dying. Have you ever thought of his feelings?" Hanare blurted out cutting Sanemi off.

Sanemi went speechless as he zipped his mouth and looked away. The others looked at both Sanemi and Tanjiro who just got a hard slap of words from Hanare.

The lady's about to speak again insulting Kazumi when Muzan arrived from the corner stopping behind Kazumi. The lady's eyes widened as she quickly stepped back in fear and bowed right after meeting his brother's cold eyes, eyes that didn't even show a hint of affection towards her.

"This way." He said as Kazumi followed him.

The lady just watched gritting her teeth glaring at Kazumi's back. She soon turned the other way too as she leave.

"Come on, why so cold?" Kazumi said upon the both of them entering his room.

"I don't have to waste my time faking my affection towards someone whose face is thick enough to claim someone elses place. She could go bitching around and ruin her own name but not mine."

The slayers held in their laughter from his words. They know he's cold but they didn't expect such words.

"That's.... quite harsh. Have a little heart for her at least."

"I already did, by not kicking her out of here and revealing who she really is."

Kazumi just sighed as she shake her head lightly and face him. He then took out a box of letters from under his table putting it on top. Kazumi couldn't see but she could hear him opening the letters as she's sitting right in front of him.

"The reason I never get to reply was because, I never knew the place where you and our mother lived. Yes, a man would come to deliver the letters but he would often say sorry as he can't really tell where it is, and says that my mother told him that I don't have to give a reply. I understood despite my urge of sending someone after him. Our mother would always assure me that you two are alright in her letters. And in every letter, she would say sorry for not being able to meet or see me, but she would always pray for me."

"When we had that conversation some night ago, it feels like you've already guessed my identity."

"Because I did. Our mother wrote your name. She said in her letter that my sister's name is Kazumi. And that you got both our father and mother's eyes. That's why I never believed that bitch to be my sister."

"Kibutsuji-sama, I just told you not to be so harsh."

"And who's Kibutsuji-sama?"

Kazumi just facepalmed herself as she let out a heavy sigh. She then rocked herself sitting on the cushion back and forth as she shortly stop.


"That's better. Again, say it again. Call me like that again." He smiled as an imaginary dog tail wag behind him.

"That bas—" Obanai got cut off as Hanare hit the top of his head with her fist.

This caused a lump to grow on his head as he kept his mouth shut and rub it.

"Go on, what was that? What did you just call my son?"

Obanai just shook his head as he hid beside Kanroji who started trembling too.

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's having a walk with Muzan around the estate. They don't have any servants around or following them as he requested it to be just the two of them.

"It must've so lonely for you having to live in this beautiful place surrounded by servants but no one to look up to as your parent."

"To be honest.... yes. If only someone would appear right before me and make my wish come true, I'm willing to give each and every fortune I have just to have our parents back and for the four of us to live together."

They soon stopped under the shade of a tree as they sat down.

"But I guess it's harder for you having to live on your own throughout this years." Muzan then looked at her as his eyes focused on her blinfold.

"No.... just like you, after our mother's death, I lived surrounded by servants also. But here I am, holding a sword fending not only for myself but for other people too."

Just as they chat, the slayers saw from the veranda the same lady who's now looking at Muzan and Kazumi. Hanare then snapped her fingers as they appear beside that lady. She looked so pissed as she kept her eyes on the two.

"Just who is that person? Nii-sama never talked to me nor spent time to me like that! Yet that stranger have the audacity to take my place?!" She ranted.

"My lady, we should go now. The lord might get mad once he catch us watching." One of the maids said.

Kagaya and the slayers then sweatdropped as they gulped down in fear feeling Hanare's anger. She's now glaring at the retreating back of the lady as she kept her mouth close gritting her teeth. She's also clenching her fists tightly as her sleeves absorb the blood coming out of it.

'I swear, if only I lived long enough, I'll slap the hell out of that bitch!'

(A/N: Guess what? Seems like they're really mother and son.)

She snapped back her fingers as they went back beside the siblings still talking.

"So nii-san, mind telling me your 'sister's' name?"

"Huh? Hey don't say that! She's not my sister!"

Kazumi just laughed hearing how annoyed he is with the mention of his so called 'sister'.

"Come on. What's her name?"

"Misayo. Tch! She's even proud of it saying how happy she is to live up to her name since it was said it means 'beautiful helpful child'. You just don't know how much I hold myself back from kicking her out or even gagging her mouth for her to shut up."

Kazumi just laughed again. She kept on laughing as Muzan looked at her dumbfounded.

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