Chapter 125: Wish

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     Kazumi's now inside Ringo's room as they see that she has already woken up. They listened as the two talk.

"I'm glad you're doing fine despite being gone for long, Master." Ringo said.

"Me too, but I'm sure such happiness of mine won't last." Kazumi replied.

Ringo have a confused look on her face as she look at Kazumi who's now looking outside the window.

"What do you mean?" Ringo asked.

"I showed Kagaya-san and Amane-san the upper moons I spared. As expected, they didn't accept them." Kazumi answered as she kept her smile while looking outside.

Ringo's eyes widened as she hear what Kazumi's answer. It's as if time stopped for a second in her eyes. For a full minute, the two stayed silent.

"Well.... they're upper moon demons, they surely would never be accepted by the corps." Ringo looked down.

"How about you, Ringo-san?" Kazumi looked at Ringo who also looked at her.
"Would you also accept them?"

".... Even though it'll be a hard thing to do, as long as they prove that they've change, then I'll try my best to understand their side and accept them. You said it before, if there are good and bad humans the same goes with the demons. You also told me that, if humans can change then so are demons." Ringo answered as she sadly smile.

"I see, I'm glad you still remember that." Kazumi sigh as she close her eyes and smile.

"If Kagaya couldn't accept it, what's going to happen now?" Ringo asked.

"Well for that.... he gave me a month to change my mind for sparing the upper moons. If I wouldn't change my mind within a month, I'll be labeled as a traitor of the corps and therefore, have the Pillars come after me and my friends." Kazumi answered as she kept her eyes locked on Ringo's.

"That's unacceptable! Kazumi-sama! You helped them for so long! Do they even know what gratitude is?!" Ringo exclaimed as he grip on her blanket tightly.
"Can't that man think straight?! As the leader, he's supposed to understand! Why is he backing out now?!"

'Yes Ringo! Curse them! Cuss these b*tches!'
Hanare mentally cheered.

"Please calm down, I understand his side. I understand them too. I know it's not easy for them." Kazumi caressed Ringo's back as she started to sob.

"Of course you do! You always understand other people! You always understand and consider us! But who will understand and consider you amongst them?! They who don't even know a single thing about you?!" Ringo sobbed.

"Ringo-san's right.... none of us.... ever understood her after all this time.... none of us.... truly sticked with her." Gyomei muttered out.

Kazumi stayed silent as she just hug Ringo and rub circles on her back comforting her as she kept her smile. Ringo kept on sobbing as she hug Kazumi back.

'Don't worry, Ringo-san. Banishing me from the corps would only give me more time to concentrate on my plans and unveil them one after another.'
Kazumi thought as she kept hugging and comforting Ringo.
'They underestimated the wrong person.'

"It semed like she hated—" Sanemi got cut off when he heard the continuation of her thoughts.

'If Tsukika and Natsuko thinks I'll be easy to put down once I leave the corps.... they're both so wrong. I'll make sure to face the both of them. Especially Tsukika.'

"Heh. Sanemi, let her finish before saying something or I might as well cut that tongue of yours." Hanare glared at him as he gulped down.

Their scene changed again showing Kazumi beside a river as she look at her own reflection with such an emotionless face.

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